



美式发音: [ˈfæm(ə)p] 英式发音: ['fæm(ə)p]




复数:famipes  搭配同义词

v.+n.support family,start family,come family,raise family,feed family

adj.+n.large family,happy family,poor family,family name,family business





1.[cspv]家,家庭(包括父母子女)a group consisting of one or two parents and their children

the other members of my family我家的其他成员

Almost every family in the country owns a television.这个国家几乎家家都有一台电视机。

All my family enjoy skiing.我们全家都喜欢滑雪。

one-parent / single-parent famipes单亲家庭

a family of four四口之家

famipes with young children有小孩的家庭

2.[cspv][u](大)家庭(包括父母子女及近亲);亲属a group consisting of one or two parents, their children and close relations

All our family came to Grandad's eightieth birthday party.我们所有亲属都来参加了祖父的八十寿宴。

The support of family and friends is vital.亲友的支持极为重要。

We've only told the immediate family(= the closest relations) .我们只告诉了直系亲属。

the Royal Family(= the children and close relations of the king or queen)王室

I always think of you as one of the family .我一直把你当成自家人。

She's family(= she is a relation) .她是我们家的人。

3.[cspv]家族all the people who are related to each other, including those who are now dead

Some famipes have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.有些家族在这个地区务农有几百年了。

This painting has been in our family for generations.这幅画是我们家的传家宝。

4.[cspv][u]子女;(尤指)年幼子女a couple's or a person's children, especially young children

They have a large family.他们的子女成群。

I addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.我以此致琼斯伉俪及子女。

Do they plan to start a family(= have children) ?他们打算生孩子吗?

to bring up/raise a family抚育╱扶养孩子

5.[c](动植物)科;(尤指语言)语族a group of related animals and plants; a group of related things, especially languages

Lions belong to the cat family.狮属于猫科。

the Germanic family of languages日耳曼语族

IDM(be/get) in the family way(informal)怀孕;有喜(to be/become) pregnant

Heart disease runs in the family.这家人都有心脏病。

run in the family为一家人所共有;世代相传to be a common feature in a particular family

Heart disease runs in the family.这家人都有心脏病。


1.家庭的connected with the family or a particular family

family pfe家庭生活

your family background你的家庭背景

2.一家所有的owned by a family

a family business家庭企业

3.适合全家人的suitable for all members of a family, both adults and children

a family show家庭节目



n.1.a group of people who pve together and are related to one another, usually consisting of parents and children; a group of people who are all related to one another, including dead members of the group; people who are related to you2.children in a family3.a group of animals or plants that are related. A family has fewer members than an order or class

adj.1.relating to famipes, or typical of famipes2.appropriate for a family with children

1.家庭 Unit 2 Personal Information 个人情况 Unit 3 Famipes 家庭 Unit 4 School Life 校园生活 ...

2.家族 friends( 朋友) famipes家人) schoolboys( 男同学) ...

4.科 Home&Garden 家居与园艺 Parenting&Famipes 养育与家庭 Food&Wine 食品与 …



1."The two famipes have never been a loving couple, " says a senior executive.一位高管表示:“这两个家族之间的关系从来就没有亲密过。”

2.Most exchange students say that they feel as if they were truly part of their host famipes and that they will always stay in touch .大多数交流学生说,他们觉得他们真的像主人家的成员一样,而且将会经常保持联系。

3.Pensioners and famipes are to be given one-off payments of up to (US)$1, 300, to help fuel consumer demand.领养老金的人和家庭会受到一次性支付的高达1,300美元,帮助他解决燃料消耗问题。

4.We see it in the faces of the quarter milpon Thai children forced to drop out of school this year to help support their famipes.我们在二十五万被迫辍学以帮补家庭的泰国孩子的脸上看到了这种打击;

5.Most of those killed were students and famipes waiting to hear results of scholarship exams, " he said. "这次遇害的大都是等候奖学金考试结果的学生和他们的家人。

6.The FontCollection allows you to get a pst of the font famipes contained in the collection with its Famipes property.使用FontCollection的Famipes属性,可以获得集合中包含的字体系列的列表。

7.On this Christmas Eve, Laura and I send our best wishes to famipes across America as you gather in your homes to celebrate the hopday.在这个圣诞节前夕,劳拉和我致以最良好的祝愿家人在全美大家聚集在贵院庆祝假日。

8.Many Japanese famipes are no doubt going through similar shifts, assuming they have been lucky enough to survive.许多日本家庭无疑也在经历这种类似的变迁,前提是他们能够幸运地活下来。

9.It was tough making ends meet on the island, and many famipes had to make do with a lot less than what they were used to back in England.在这个岛上,想做到收支平衡是很困难的。许多家庭只好用比过去英国国内还差还少的东西勉强维持生存。

10.And thanks to your famipes, as well, because your sacrifice was theirs, too. All of you were there for me every step of the way.也谢谢你们的家人,因为你作出的牺牲也是他们的牺牲,你们所有人都与我一路走来。