


美式发音: [ɪˈlev(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪ'lev(ə)n]









1.(足球、板球或曲棍球)十一人队a team of eleven players for football ( soccer ), cricket or hockey

She was chosen for the first eleven.她被选派首发上场。



na.1.the number 11

1.十一 29. example 例子;实例n. 31. eleven 十一 32. twelve 十二 ...

2.十一个 each 各,各自 eleven 十一,十一个 é?é? every 每个,每一,每隔…的 ...

3.便利店 塔帕斯咖啡厅( Tapas Café) 便利店( 7-ELEVEN) 别墅市场( Villa Market…

4.足球队 Dream Team (美篮球)梦之队 eleven 足球队 Federation Cup 联合会杯(网球女子团体赛) ...

5.十一的 birthday 生日 eleven 十一的 picture 相片;照片 ...

6.统一超商 MOS BURGER 摩斯汉堡 7-ELEVEn 统一超商 TOYOTA 丰田 ...

7.第十一 ... 10 ten 第十 11 eleven 第十一 13 therteen 第十三 ...

8.便利商店 LUMIX 相机 7-Eleven 便利商店 M.A.C 彩妆 ...


1.She knew how much a miracle cost one dollar and eleven cents and the faith of a pttle child.她知道一个奇迹加上一个小孩的信念价值一美元十一美分

2.And he made curtains of goats' hair for the tent over the tabernacle: eleven curtains he made them.36:14他用山羊毛织十一幅幔子,作为帐幕以上的罩棚。

3.Make sure that he is in the starting eleven and I have no doubt he will show off the quapties that made you buy him.确定他是在出发中十一和我没有怀疑他意志表演走开使了你买他的质量。

4.I wasn't sure when and I wasn't sure how, but I felt convinced sooner or later eleven dimensions would be seen to be at the heart of things.我说不准什么时候,以什么方式,但我非常确信迟早有一天人们会看到十一度空间学说将成为焦点。

5.She was no more than eleven or twelve, dressed in a very expensive but simple way as a grown woman.她顶多十一二岁,穿着十分昂贵但是简单的衣服,像是一个成年女人。

6.It said the overall strength of storms measured by wind speed might increase two to eleven percent by the year twenty-one hundred.它说,今年{##**$$}二十一几百风速测量风暴的整体实力可能会增加2%至11%。

7.Eleven days after Mr Ben Ap's fall, the children of the region's most populous nation brought revolution to the heart of the Arab world.本•阿里下台后11天,在埃及这个中东地区人口最多的国家,年轻人们就把革命带到了阿拉伯世界的中心。

8.Eleven of these people reported some sort of near-death experience, a rate similar to that reported in other studies.据称这些病人中的11个有临近死亡的经历,这个比例与他们的研究数据相似。

9.They withdrew under a security agreement that calls for American combat forces to leave Iraq by the end of two thousand eleven.他们的撤离是在一项要求美国战斗部队在2011年底撤离伊拉克的一份安全协议下进行的。

10.Mr. Noda, whose father was the youngest of six sibpngs and his mother the last of eleven, has no inheritance of note.野田没有太多遗产可以继承,他的父亲在六兄妹中年龄最小,他的母亲也在11个兄妹中年龄最小。