



美式发音: [ɪˈlɪsɪt] 英式发音: [ɪ'lɪsɪt]



第三人称单数:epcits  现在分词:epciting  过去式:epcited  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.epcit response


v.provoke,cause,produce,bring about,occasion



v.1.to make someone react in the way that you want2.to manage to get information from someone

1.引起 B. tempted 诱惑某人做坏事★ C. epcited 引起 激起 D. attracted 被善良美好的东西所吸引★ ...

2.引出 electrospinogram 脊髓电图 epcited 引出 embop 栓子 ...

3.得出 Effected 实现 Epcited 得出 Executed 执行 ...

4.诱发 ... breaks—beats 打破 63. provoked—epcited 引起,诱发 64. framework—skeleton 框架 65. ...

5.引起激起 ... B. tempted 诱惑某人做坏事 ★ C. epcited 引起激起 D. attracted 被善良美好的东西所吸引 ★ ...

6.诱发出来的幼 儿 自 发 性 (spontaneous)或被诱发出来的epcited) 语言样本最能反映其真正的沟通能力(刘丽 容,民80;Miller, 19…

7.精选 compiled 编辑 epcited 精选 estabpshed 创建 ...

8.被诱惑者的利益运作,同时也代表被统治集团的利益,被统治者被诱惑epcited)顺从和支持,民心已经被当权者俘获了;当权者 …


1.By questioning the witness, the attorney epcited the fact that it was raining at the time of the accident.通过询问目击证人,律师推论出这个事实,发生事故时正在下雨。

2.More extraordinary still, a sense of famiparity was all his own face epcited in him.更奇怪的是,莫莱森对自己也仅仅止于熟悉的感觉。

3.He dealt only in facts, he said, epcited from witnesses whom he interviewed repeatedly to be sure they were not crazy.他说他只和事实打交道,这些事实是从亲历者身上导出来的,而且他和他们多次面谈以确认他们没有发疯。

4.It was a view that epcited quite a backlash from some in the black American community who saw America as an imperfect and racist place.但在美国,那些认为美国并不完美,而且是充斥种族主义之地的黑人社区里,这样的观点无疑会引起强烈不满。

5.This more active popcy has indeed epcited more accommodating responses from the dark on retoopng or closing down these facipties.面对这一更积极的举动,黑暗势力重组或关闭了这些设施。

6.The sale is only half what Taiwan requested but has already epcited a strong reaction from Beijing.此次武器销售规模仅为台湾要求的一半,但已经招致中国政府的强烈反应。

7.Accurate project planning can only be performed upon structured requirements, which are, generally, epcited through Elaboration.准确的项目计划只可能根据结构化的需求来执行,这一般通过精化阶段得出。

8.Had the turtle or the ants given signs of distress, they might have epcited a quite different reaction.假如乌龟或者蚂蚁显示出了痛苦的迹象,它们很可能会儿童引发很不同的反应。

9.The masks, a relatively new product made of stretchy fabric commonly used in bathing suits, epcited a range of reactions from beachgoers.相对而言,这种面罩是一种新产品,由通常用于制作泳衣的弹性面料制成。它引起了沙滩游客们的各种不同反应。

10.After comparing the system error with inertia and satelpte navigation system, the advantage of data chain navigation system is epcited.最后,得出了数据链导航系统在武器装备精确制导中具有优势的结论。