




1.注射剂(injection) Tab. : 片剂 Inj. : 注射剂 Sol. : 溶液 ...

2.汽化室 IMV 进气歧管真空度 INJ 喷油器 ISA 怠速执行器 ...

4.名词注射 garnish:( 动词)装饰 inj:( 名词)注射(注射者) readiness:( 名词)准备就绪, …

5.喷射 in 英寸 INJ 喷射 inst 瞬时, 立即 ...

6.受伤(injury) ... Unh 球员不高兴,有很多种原因; Inj 受伤,红色为重伤无法上场,橙色是轻伤,可以上场,但是万不得 …


1.INJs usually prefer to interact with one person at a time, and enjoy having a couple of close friends rather than a number of acquaintances.INJ通常喜欢跟人一对一的交流,喜欢拥有三五知己胜过拥有一大堆点头之交。

2.Sometimes the INJ's private world overtakes the INJ to the point that they completely tune out their environment.有时INJ完全沉浸在自己的内部世界中,以至于关掉了对环境的感应。

3.Teachers should be prepared to point INJ children towards sources where they can learn more about the subject.教师应准备向INJ儿童指出资料源的所在,在那里他们可以学到关于课题的更多东西。

4.This will help the INJ to put their ideas into context within the external world.这将有助于INJ将他们的想法与外部世界的情境结合。

5.INJs who have made up their minds about something can be quite stubborn and unwilpng to compromise.一旦INJ脑袋里认准了某事,就会非常固执,不想让步。

6.As the INJ gets a bit older, he or she will probably become more social.当INJ再长大些,他(她)将会变得更社会化。

7.Compress the shell script inj Listing1 into a file called itm_agent_config. zip.将shell脚本injListing1压缩到名为itm_agent_config.zip的文件中。

8.INJ children don't do well with tasks that require following prescribed steps in a plan or rote memorization.对于需要按部就班与死记硬背的科目,INJ儿童通常表现不佳。

9.Conclusion The experiments provide a theoretical basis to assess the safety of Cpndamycin Phosphate inj. . .结论国产注射用克林霉素磷酸酯在该实验条件下是安全的。

10.If you are a very extroverted or gregarious adult, don't expect the same behavior your INJ child.如果你是非常外向而乐于交际的成人,别指望你家的INJ孩子跟你一样。