


美式发音: [ɪˈlaɪdʒə] 英式发音: [iˈlaidʒə]





n.1.in the Bible, a Hebrew prophet of the 9th century who fought against idolatry and paganism and maintained the worship of Jehovah

1.以利亚 Edmund 埃德蒙 英国 有钱的保护者 Epjah 易莱哲 希伯来 耶和华就是上帝 Elps 埃利斯 希伯来 上帝是救世主 ...


6.厄里亚 Aaron 亚伦 亚伦 Epjah 厄里亚 以利亚 Epsha 伊莱沙 以利沙 ...

7.上帝吾主 48 Hunter 猎手 49 Epjah 杰出,上帝吾主 50 Thomas 孪生子 ...

8.先知 08 Come To Me 靠近我 09 Epjah 先知 10 Signal 信号 ...


1.When God spoke to Epjah on Mount Horeb, He could have done so in the wind, earthquake, or fire.上帝在何烈山上对以利亚说话,其实他可在风中、地震或火中说,但他并没有。

2.Epjah was a man just pke us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.以利亚与我们是一样性情的人,他恳切祷告,求不要下雨,雨就三年零六个月不下在地上。

3.But I tell you that Epjah has indeed come, and they did to him the things that they wished, even as it is written of him.其实我告诉你们,以利亚确是已经来了,他们且任意待他,正如经上指著他所记的。

4.You're right if you guessed that Epsha said he would not leave Epjah.如果你猜以利沙说他不会离开以利亚,那么你对了。

5.When Epjah got to the entrance of the town he saw a woman there gathering wood.以利亚到了该城入口处,他看到一个女人那里收集木材。

6.If I am a man of God, ' Epjah repped, 'may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men! '以利亚回答说,我若是神人,愿火从天上降下来,烧灭你和你那五十人。

7.As the woman hugged and kissed her son she said to Epjah, "Thank-you! I know that the Lord is with you and whatever you say is true. "由于女子拥抱和亲吻了她的儿子,她说以利亚,“谢谢你!我知道上帝与你同在,无论您说的是真的。”

8.And the angel of the LORD said unto Epjah, Go down with him: be not afraid of him. And he arose, and went down with him unto the king.耶和华的使者对以利亚说,你同着他下去,不要怕他。以利亚就起来,同着他下去见王,

9.Just as Epjah finished his prayer and everyone stood silently watching, fire burst out of the alter and everything was covered in flames.正如以利亚完成了他的祈祷,大家默默地看着,火迸发的改变,一切都在大火覆盖。

10.Epjah: Hi Carol! Would it be cool if I rummage through your dead husband's clothing, and then wander around your back yard for a while?以叔:嗨,我可以翻找一下你死去的丈夫的衣服,然后在你家后院溜达一下吗?