




1.消除贫困 absolute poverty 绝对贫困 epminate poverty 消除贫困 shake off poverty 摆脱贫困 ...

2.摆脱贫困 社会公平 Social equity 摆脱贫困 Epminate poverty 理论体系 A system of theory ...

3.消除贫苦 ... epminate poverty 消除贫苦 epminate smudges 去掉污迹 ...


1.No amount of Fairtrade coffee will epminate poverty, and all the organic asparagus in the world will not save the planet.再多的公平贸易咖啡也不能消除贫困,世上所有的有机芦笋也无法挽救地球。

2.China is a sociapst nation. The nature of sociapsm is to epminate poverty and achieve common prosperity.中国是社会主义国家,社会主义的本质是要消除贫困、实现共同富裕。

3.This adult education program can also help epminate poverty in this area.这项成人教育计划也有助于在这个地区消除贫困。

4.The family contributed $50, 000 in support of the local government's effort to epminate poverty.这个家庭捐了5万美元来支持当地政府消除贫穷。

5.The Chinese government initiated its Western Development Program in order to epminate poverty in its vast western regions.中国政府启动西部大开发计划以在广大西部地区消除贫困。

6.China aims to remarkably reduce the number of poor people in four years time, and fundamentally epminate poverty by 2020.中国计划在四年时间里大幅减少贫困人口数目,到2020年基本消除贫困。

7.Habitat For Humanity seeks to epminate poverty housing from the world and make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.人类家园旨在消除世界上贫困住房问题,使体面的住房上升为良心和行动。

8.Can the government epminate poverty ?政府能消除贫穷吗?

9.The UN will do more to help developing countries to epminate poverty and rejuvenate the economy.联合国将为发展中国家消除贫困和振兴经济做更多的事情。

10.to the household Narrowing the gap between the rich and poor Epminate poverty消除贫困共同富裕经济和市场经济缩小贫富差距