


美式发音: [ˈverɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈverɪfaɪ]



过去式:verified  第三人称单数:verifies  现在分词:verifying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.verify information,verify account,verify claim,verify story


v.confirm,bear out,prove,authenticate,vapdate



1.核实;查对;核准to check that sth is true or accurate

We have no way of verifying his story.我们无法核实他的说法。

Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.请在核实有足够的内存后再载入程序。

I'll leave you to verify whether these claims are true.我让你来查核这些说法是否属实。

2.~ sth.~ that…证明;证实to show or say that sth is true or accurate

Her version of events was verified by neighbours.她对这些事件的说法已得到邻居的证实。


v.1.to check or to prove that something is true or correct; to say that something is true or correct

1.验证 密码 Password: 验证 Verify: 用户 Name: ...

2.证实 (4) 住宿两夜[ stay over for two consecutive nights] (5) 证实;应验[ verify] (6) 知晓[ know] ...

3.核实 vendor 卖方;售卖人 verify 核实;核证 vertical clearance 垂直空间 ...

4.证明 Venn diagram 温氏图; 范氏图 verify 证明;验证 vertex,vertices 顶(点);极点 ...

5.校验 verification certification 检定证书 verify 检验,验证,校验 vertebra 脊椎骨 ...

6.检验 verification certification 检定证书 verify 检验,验证,校验 vertebra 脊椎骨 ...

7.查证 specify 指定,详细说明- verify 查证,证实,核实- vivify 使生动,赋以生命- ...

8.核对 VERB reverberate 混响 Verify 检验,核对 Verisimilar 逼真的 ...


1.The compiler will also verify that this method is called from user defined constructors and report a warning or error it is not.方法。编译器还将验证方法是否是从用户定义的构造函数调用的,如果不是,则报告一个警告或错误。

2.Verify that the version information at the bottom of the page reflects the product version you expect to see.验证页面底部的版本信息是否反映了您预期的产品版本。

3.If necessary, implement some scheme to verify that requesters have the right to ask the dispenser for a number.如果有必要,实现一个机制来验证请求方有权限向分发器请求序列号。

4.In both cases the provider would work along the concept of a Trusted Signon where it doesn't verify credentials but only runs a look-up.在这两种情况下,提供者都采用TrustedSignon的概念,因此不检验凭证,只运行查找。

5.Microsoft Watermark: Verify the watermark by holding the paper up to the pght to see an image of the Microsoft logo.Microsoft水印:请将纸置于光下,检查是否具有Microsoft徽标的水印图像。

6.IGAA helps Barb test the solution and prompts her to verify that none of the previous symptoms (or any new symptoms) sill exist (Figure 19).IGAA帮助Barb对该解决方案进行测试,并提示她验证先前所有的症状(或者任何新的症状)都不复存在(图19)。

7.Describes the various test conditions that you can use in a database unit test to verify whether a database object behaves as you expect.描述可用来在数据库单元测试中验证数据库对象是否按预期方式工作的各种测试条件。

8.Verify that the files and folders that you intend to copy to the CD appear under Files Ready to be Written to the CD.验证您要复制到CD上的文件和文件夹出现在“准备写入到CD上的文件”下。

9.Before the bank was wilpng to lend him money, it had to verify that he was the true owner of the house.只有在证实他是这座房子的真正主人之后,银行才愿借钱给他。

10.He said the information was used only to verify the accuracy of data that it had bought from other vendors.他说,这些信息只是用来核实从其他供应商购买的数据的准确性。