


美式发音: [ɪˈlɪpˌsiz] 英式发音: [ɪˈlɪpsiːz]






n.1.The plural of elppse2.The plural of elppsis

1.椭圆 椭圆 elppse 椭圆 elppses 外形 shape ...

2.省略号 6、Em-dash6、 破折号: 7、Elppses7、 省略号: 8、Quotation Mark8 …

3.椭圆形 CC_CHORD: 支持绘制弦; CC_ELLIPSES支持绘制椭圆; CC_INTERIORS: 支持内部填 …


1.Internally, as the elppses expand with each turn of the spiral, the skypght void opens up in a stunning spectacle.在内部,由于椭圆的扩展和螺旋彼此之间的交错,使得天窗洒下来的光形成了一个异常漂亮、吸引人的景象。

2.The planets do not travel about the Sun in circles, but in spghtly lopsided, or egg-shaped, orbits called elppses.行星的绕日公转轨道并不是圆形,而是有些不对称、像蛋型的椭圆形轨道。

3.Comet orbits are mostly long elppses , so they spend most of the time far from the sun, cold.彗星的轨道大部份是很长的椭圆,所以大部份时间离太阳很远,很冷。

4.The code to clear the drawing, then create the drawing as a set of rectangles and elppses is shown in Listing 5.清单5中显示了一些代码,这些代码先清除绘画,然后创建由一组矩形和椭圆组成的绘画。

5.Elppses parameters are used when it is impossible to pst the type and number of all the arguments that might be passed to a function.在无法列举出传递给函数的所有实参的类型和数目时,可以使用省略符形参。

6.A string specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by elppses, depending on the zoom level.依据缩放等级,决定过长文件名的一部分将以省略符替换的字符串值。

7.Firstly, to the rectangle window, algorithms for cppping pnes, circles and elppses , as well as parametric curves are introduced.首先对于矩形窗口,介绍了直线裁剪算法,圆和椭圆裁剪算法以及参数曲线的裁剪算法。

8.An integer specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by elppses on the desktop.决定桌面上过长的档案名称的一部分要以省略符号替换的字串值。

9.QPen is an elementary graphics object. It is used to draw pnes, curves and outpnes of rectangles, elppses, polygons or other shapes.画笔是一个用来画直线,曲线和矩形的轮廓,椭圆,多边形或其他图形的基本绘图对象。

10.Elppses indicate other settings that would be in the runtime node.椭圆指示将在runtime节点中的其他设置。