


美式发音: [ˈdɑmɪnoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈdɒmɪnəʊ]




复数:dominoes  复数:dominos  



1.[c]多米诺骨牌a small flat block, often made of wood, marked on one side with two groups of dots representing numbers, used for playing games

2.[u]多米诺骨牌游戏a game played with a set of dominoes , in which players take turns to put them onto a table



n.1.a small flat piece of plastic or wood with spots on it, used in the game of dominoes; a game in which players take turns to try to place each domino on a table next to another with the same number of spots on it

1.多米诺 Price Tag 标签? Domino 爱情骨牌 ** Jessie J 杰西 ** ...

6.多米诺公司棒约翰的竞争对手多米诺公司Domino)坚持认为,顾客们都希望了解更多的订餐信息,因此,他们已着手建立一个全国性的 …

7.女模煞英国当红青春玉女绮拉奈特莉,不愿意在新片《女模煞》(Domino)中,光屁股演出激情热舞的片段,导演汤尼史考特只有找 …


1.Lotus Domino's document-based architecture makes it easy to create and share documents between content creators and editors.LotusDomino的基于文档的架构使它容易创建文档,并在内容创建器与编辑器之间共享文档。

2.If the system is responding slowly, check your non-Domino apppcations to see whether or not they are also performing slowly.如果系统响应缓慢,那么检查您的非-Domino应用程序,看它们是否也运行缓慢。

3.JSF, to put it in terms we Domino developers understand, is the equivalent of a custom-class rendering engine.JSF用我们Domino开发人员理解的术语来说,就相当于一个定制类呈现引擎。

4.In databases that use DAOS, Lotus Domino no longer saves a separate and complete copy of every document attachment.在使用DAOS的数据库中,LotusDomino不再保存每个文档附件的单独、完整的副本。

5.'I don't think it was fully appreciated, perhaps, what a big domino Lehman was or how close it was to the next big dominoes, ' he said.他说,我觉得人们或许没有彻底明白,雷曼这张多米诺骨牌的效应有多大,或是它离后面的多米诺大骨牌有多近。

6.We hope that this article serves as a first step for Domino on IBM i developers to explore and exploit these APIs in their apppcations.我们希望本文是DominoonIBMi开发人员在其应用程序中探索和使用这些API的第一步。

7.It had to do this because a general easing would not halt the domino effect whereby one firm's collapse caused a run on others.它之所以必须这样做,是因为一种总体的宽松无法中止多米诺骨牌效应(一家企业的倒闭导致其它企业纷纷倒闭)。

8.Lotus Domino 7 also allows you to lock out a user account and to force a password change on the next authentication.LotusDomino7还允许锁定用户帐号,在下次身份验证时强制更改口令。

9.Analysts said safety fears and rising costs are creating the risk of a domino effect, in which companies pull out of the complex en masse.分析人士认为,安全担忧和不断上升的各种成本正在产生连锁反应的风险,导致大量韩国企业撤离开城。

10.It is not intended to imply that this sizing apppes to a specific release of Lotus Domino on a specific platform.并没有影射该分级适用于特定平台上特定版本的LotusDomino。