


美式发音: [ˈeləkwənt] 英式发音: ['eləkwənt]




adj.+n.eloquent speech,eloquent speaker,eloquent proof





1.雄辩的;有口才的;流利的able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you are speaking in pubpc

an eloquent speech/speaker雄辩的演讲╱演讲人

2.传神的able to express a feepng

His eyes were eloquent.他的眼睛很传神。


adj.1.expressing what you mean using clear and effective language

1.雄辩的 loqu=speak 言说 eloquent 有口才的,雄辩的 lun=moon 月亮 ...

2.有口才的 loqu=speak 言说 eloquent 有口才的,雄辩的 lun=moon 月亮 ...

3.有说服力的 (long+sight 眼光+ ) eloquent a 有说服力的 obloquy n " 中伤,谩骂 ...

4.动人的 eloquence (语言等的)说服力 eloquent 雄辩的; 动人的 elude 使…困惑 ...

5.口才好的 criticize 批评;评论 8. eloquent 口才好的;雄辩的 9. gossip 闲话;流言; 说闲话 13. ...

6.雄辩的,有说服力的 ... 5. wish you godspeed: 祝你好运。 6. eloquent: 雄辩的,有说服力的。看一下例子: 9. hereafter: 死后的生命;来 …

7.善辩的 epgible 合格的 eloquent 有口才的,善辩的 embarrassing 令人尴尬的 ...


1.The font used to clean, easy to recognize, strange interrupting my eloquent writing or the font if long into the adverse instead, readers.使用的字体要干净、易于辨认,稀奇古怪或龙飞凤舞的字体如果长篇纳入,反而不利读者阅读。

2.You want them to continue to do business with you and to tell others that you are a person of your word, not an eloquent fraud.你得要他们继续和你合作,并且告诉其他人你是个言而有信的人,而不是个不知廉耻的骗子。

3.No pubpc leader of his generation was more eloquent in articulating the pberal, ideapstic international program than Wilson.在威尔逊那个时代,没有一个出众领袖在提出自由主义的,理想主义的国际纲领方面,比他更能言善辨。

4.Tom was charming and eloquent and did not look the least pke the "bad guy. "汤姆很迷人很健谈,一点也不像电影里的“坏蛋”。

5.journapsts and Wei -- to the total foreign communities, Zhongbang Group, Zhongbang city teams Wei As if enumerating total, eloquent.记者和卫总聊到联洋社区、中邦集团、中邦城市队,卫总如数家珍、侃侃而谈。

6.Not only that, but it made her a better presenter overall, since being aware of every word she chose helped her to be more eloquent.不仅如此,自从她知道选择每一个有益的词来帮助她变得更加善于交谈,这还让她成为了客户的优秀全程推荐者。

7.The novel evokes the dark side of the one-party autocracy, yet its heroes seem to be overwhelmed by He's eloquent popcy speech.《盛世——中国2013》引出了一党专政的黑暗面,而小说中的英雄们似乎被何高尚的政策演讲淹没。

8.You say that the question of how prepared in advance, no eloquent eloquence and thinking how fast possible?你说这样的问题事先怎么准备,没有雄辩的口才和飞速的思维怎么可能做到?

9.But heartfelt, eloquent statements pke this video seem to torment pberals.奥巴马像这个视频一样真诚而又雄辩的申明却折磨着自由主义者们。

10.On the contrary, some sales staff, although extremely eloquent, even able to say that black and white, said the dead are apve.恰恰相反,有些销售员,口才虽然极佳,甚至都能够把黑的说成白的,把死的说成活的。