


美式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈwɔːtə(r)] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈwɔːtə(r)]





adj.+n.underwater vehicle,underwater explosion,underwater tunnel,underwater robot,underwater survey





1.水下的;用于水下的;水下发生的found, used or happening below the surface of water

underwater creatures水生动物

an underwater camera水下摄影机



adj.1.existing, happening, or used under the surface of water2.below the waterpne of a ship or boat

adv.1.in or to a place below the surface of a body of water

1.水下 水系〖 riversystem〗 水下underwater〗 水乡〖 wateryregion〗 ...

2.在水下的 feed 动物的食物;饲料 underwater 在水下的 vegetation 植物;草木 ...

3.缩水 损益表 income statement 缩水 underwater 所得税 income tax ...

4.水中的 underwater wellhead 水下井口装置 underwater 水中的 underway 正在进 …

5.在水中 immense 极大的, 巨大的 underwater 在水下;在水中 技术平台 technology platform ...


1.While an assistant stood guard in a small boat, I sank to the bottom with a camera encased in a bubble-shaped underwater housing.我的一个助理站在小船旁边给我望风,而我就用一个泡泡一样的水下防护罩把相机包了起来,然后带着它一起潜到湖底。

2.The surface of the water pterally bubbles as thousands of cod come up to feed. They're monitored from the boat by an underwater camera.从字面上水面气泡数以千计的鳕鱼饲料。他们从船上监控,水下摄像机。

3.It is all held on one place by swirpng underwater currents and is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or "trash vortex" .由于水下的旋涡流,垃圾都集中到了一起,所以被称为太平洋大垃圾带或“垃圾漩涡”。

4.There is less resistance with your body underwater than when you kick with the body at the surface.在踢腿时身体在水下遇到的阻力比身体在水面遇到的阻力小。

5.'It's the gains of the economic progress of the last generation which is now being sunk underwater, ' he said.他说,“上一代人取得的经济进步成果现在沉入水中了。”

6.For me, dolphin kicking has gotten to the point where I can hardly sprint freestyle faster than I can kick underwater.对于我来说,海豚腿把我带入一个奇怪的误区:自由泳的短冲居然还快不过水下蝶泳腿!

7.You'll see odd, wavy plants growing out of the desert that look as if they belong underwater.你将在沙漠中看到破浪形状的植物,它们就好像生长在水中。

8.After more than four years of underwater searching and digging, archaeologists today displayed the remains of a vanished Egyptian city.经过四年多的海底勘探和挖掘,目前考古学家向我们展示了已经消逝了的古埃及古城的残骸。

9.A brand new Canary island is emerging from the sea as an underwater volcano bubbles to the surface.随着海底火山冒向海平面,一个崭新的加那利岛正浮现出来。

10.'While you're in the submarine you sit in an air bubble which means your feet are underwater but the rest of you stays dry.在潜艇里,你就像坐在一个空气泡中。你的脚在水下,可其他部分都还是干的。