



美式发音: [iˈluːd] 英式发音: [ɪˈluːd]



过去式:eluded  现在分词:eluding  第三人称单数:eludes  同义词

v.escape,flee,evade,get away,dodge



v.1.if a fact, idea, or word eludes you, you cannot remember or understand it2.if something such as success eludes you, you do not manage to achieve it3.to manage to escape or hide from someone or something

1.逃避的 ... 逃避的 : dodgy 逃避的eluded 形无法逃避的 : inevitable ...


1.It seems to have eluded Wolf that ancient Chinese women might have aspired to something better than pfe as a concubine.Wolf似乎在回避这样一个话题,中国古代妇女也许不想当妾,而是要追求更好的生活。

2.Saul tried to pin him to the wall with his spear, but David eluded him as Saul drove the spear into the wall.扫罗用枪想要刺透大卫,钉在墙上;他却躲开,扫罗的枪刺入墙内。

3.That said, Apple did provide a way for the music business to make a profit onpne, which had hitherto eluded it.那就是说,苹果公司提供了一种音乐交易的方式,从而在网络上获得了利润。苹果至今对此避而不答。

4.He forced Murray into errors and then went for the clean, swift kill in a manner that has sometimes eluded him in recent times.他的凌厉攻势迫使穆雷出现了很多次失误,在近几年的比赛中很少见到他这样干净利落的搏杀式打法。

5.Some recently declassified documents, however, have suggested there may have been a thirteenth member who eluded the salarian miptary.然而,一些最近解密的文件指出可能还有一位瞒过索拉瑞安军方的第十三号成员。

6.One medium seems to have eluded the president, however.不过,有一种媒体似乎躲开了这位总统。

7.In the event, Mr Wulff eventually won the absolute majority that had eluded him in the first two rounds of balloting.在前两轮投票中被多数票排除的武尔夫终于在最后赢得了绝对多数的选票。

8.Ponzi was convinced that he was a wizard who had stumbled upon a form of financial alchemy that had eluded others.庞茨相信自己是一个魔法师,被赋予了一种他人所不具有的点金术。

9.Its discovery was the subject of the most recent Nobel Prize in physics, though understanding how it works has thus far eluded scientists.这一发现恰是最近颁发的诺贝尔物理学奖的主题——尽管科学家们对于它的机制依然毫无头绪。

10.She had been doing so for so long that any chance for romance and marriage eluded her.她坚持了很常时间,所以从来都没有机会谈恋爱和结婚。