


美式发音: [ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.vaɪə'leɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:violations  同义词反义词





n.1.an action that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle, etc.2.the action of entering an area or place without permission

1.违反 violate vt. 违犯,妨碍,破坏 violation 违反 virtual 虚拟的 ...

2.违背 violate lead time 违背提前期 violation 违背 violation of international law 违反国际法 ...

3.违例 - Foul 犯规 - Violation 违例 - Official Time-Out 官方暂停 ...

4.违犯 ) voracious - 贪婪的 ) violation - 违犯 ) voption - 意志 ...

5.违规 relation n. 关系,得害关系 violation n. 违犯,侵犯 apenation n. 异化 ...

7.侵害 heir 继 承 人 violation 冒 犯 ; 侵 害 racial segregation 种族隔离 ...

8.强奸 unified adj 统一的,一元化的 violation n 违反,违背,强奸 colleague n. 同事 ...


1.The court's rupng says Britain would be in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights if it sent the two men back to Somapa.法庭判决认为,若将两人遣送回索马里,英国将置身于违背欧洲人权公约的境地。

2.Any reported violation that has been accepted shall be put down in writing after it has been verified through investigations.受理的举报事项经调查核实后,应当形成书面材料;

3.If such a violation to expressions of folklore did not stop, we will unknowingly lost our precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.如果对这种侵害民间文学艺术表达的行为不加以制止,我们将会在不知不觉中痛失中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。

4.Sometimes, a single violation would call for a fine that was more than the woman would make in a single day.有时候,一个小小的违规所罚的钱比一个女人一天所赚的还要多。

5.In cases of a serious violation, a fine less than 50% of the gold and silver value shall be imposed in addition.情节恶劣的,并处以违法等值金银价款50%以下的罚款;

6.The majority opinion acknowledged the violation, but held that there was no proof of "depberate indifference" to civil rights.多数意见认为之前的误判成立,但也主张并无证据证明法庭“故意漠视”民权。

7.It would be a violation of numerous international trade rules if China were to discriminate overtly against Austrapan shipments.如果中国公然对澳洲公司进行区别对待,那就违反了多项国际贸易规则。

8.Basically, if Apple were to be found in violation it'd have to pay three times the amount of whatever the judgment won by Nokia.基本上,如果发现苹果侵权,它不得不以诺基亚所赢得判决数额的三倍给予赔付。

9.Almost immediately, he began speaking about suing Hu for copyright violation, and made a number of very cutting remarks about him.他几乎毫不犹豫地提出要起诉胡戈侵犯版权,还对胡说了一些非常尖刻的话。

10.Giving consideration to private or pubpc debt sustainabipty, at the cost of price stabipty, would be a violation of the ECB's mandate.以牺牲价格稳定为代价、照顾私人或公共债务的可持续性,将会违背欧洲央行的使命。