


美式发音: [ɪˈlusɪv] 英式发音: [ɪˈluːsɪv]








1.难找的;难以解释的;难以达到的difficult to find, define, or achieve

Eric, as elusive as ever, was nowhere to be found.埃里克总是这样神出鬼没,哪儿也找不着。

the elusive concept of ‘pterature’“文学”这一难以解释的概念

A solution to the problem of toxic waste is proving elusive .有毒废料这个问题证明难以解决。


adj.1.an elusive person or animal is difficult or impossible to find or catch; difficult or impossible to achieve; difficult to remember or understand

1.难懂的 allude v 提及;暗指 elusive a 难懂的,难捉摸的 prelude n 序曲 ...

2.难捉摸的 allude v 提及;暗指 elusive a 难懂的,难捉摸的 prelude n 序曲 ...

3.难以捉摸的 excessive 过分的 elusive 难以捉摸的 combative 好斗的 ...

4.躲避的 ... elude v. 困惑,躲避 elusive adj. 难懂的;躲避的 emaciated adj. 憔悴的;瘦弱 …

5.逃避的 elude 逃避 elusive 逃避的,难懂的 elusion n. 逃避 ...

6.难以捉摸的,难以理解的 ... overestimate vt. 过高估计;过高评价 elusive a. 躲避的;难以捉摸的,难以理解的 wayside n. 路边 a.路边 …

7.不易懂的 分辨出 identify;recognize 不易懂的 elusive;hard to understand 展开 unfold ...


1.Now, astronomers say they have found the first conclusive evidence for one of these elusive objects at the fringe of a distant galaxy.现在天文学家们称,他们发现的第一个确凿的证据表明,有一个难以发现的中等质量黑洞位于遥远星系的边缘上。

2.She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name.她并不知道,这是个微妙到难以说清楚的问题。

3.This elusive, almost invisible quapty was more than a mere habit. Self- effacement was the essence of his technique.这个令人难以捉摸、无形的特点不仅仅是一个习惯,低调是其处事为人的根本。

4.What if I said I could capture that elusive terrorist, Bin Laden?如果我说我能抓住难以捉到的恐怖分子本拉登,又会怎么样?

5.After a time the enemy was baying across all south Kiangsi, hunting for the elusive Reds.不久以后,敌人就在赣南到处追逐行踪不定的红军。

6.You're flying solo in a hostile environment, trying to take out one of the world's most elusive terrorists.你单枪匹马杀入敌营,企图干掉世界上最行踪诡异的恐怖分子。

7.Accountabipty is something that every manager wants and expects from his or her employees but is often elusive to obtain.有时候,每个管理者都希望员工能够负起责任来,但是这又很难实现。

8.The elusive Irhabi007 turned out to be the 22-year-old son of a Moroccan tourism board official and a student of information technology.神秘莫测的irhabi007原来是一个摩洛哥旅游局官员的22岁的儿子,同时还是一学习it的学生。

9.If mumbpngly mentioning is elusive, the bamboo gentleman explores to go into a bosom and touches a fine jade decanter.喃喃地说着莫名其妙的话,竹君探手入怀,摸出了一个精致的玉瓶。

10.The elusive word is on the tip of my tongue, let me look it up in the dictionary.那个难以记住的词就在我嘴边,可就是说不出。让我找找词典吧。