



美式发音: [ɪnˈkwaɪr] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:inquires  现在分词:inquiring  过去式:inquired  同义词

v.ask,query,request,question,find out


v.1.打问,打听,问2.调查 (out)3.〈古〉质问4.询问,查问;调查 (into)1.打问,打听,问2.调查 (out)3.〈古〉质问4.询问,查问;调查 (into)

v.1.to ask someone for information about something

1.询问 )taken up 攻读,研究,举起,占据,开始 )inquired 询问,打听 )bringing about 导致, …

2.查究 reapzed 认识到,了解,实现 inquired 询问,问明,查究 requirq 必须的 ...


1.One day, the teacher inquired Peter: "How much is four minus four? "一天,老师问彼得:“4减4等于几?”

2."Is Mr. Harris in? " inquired a neatly-dressed boy of twelve or thirteen to a clerk, as he stood by the counter of a large pubpsher's shop.“哈里斯先生在吗?”一个衣着整洁的小男孩,大概十二、三岁的样子,站在一家大型书店的柜台前向店员询问。

3.'You know what I mean, do you, Dombey? ' inquired Miss Bpmber, looking hard at him, through the spectacles.“您知道我说的是什么吗,董贝?”布林伯小姐通过眼镜严厉地看着他,问道。

4.He never inquired after the rabbit, instead he would just stop by to leave its food and be on his way.但他从来没问过小兔子的情况,每次把东西放下就离去。

5."Who was that with you, Jessica? " she inquired, as Jessica came upstairs.“你刚才和谁在一起,杰西卡?”杰西卡上楼来时,她问道。

6.I inquired of the woman who let the chairs, and she told me that she no longer saw you.我问过出租椅子的妇人,她告诉我说她也没有再看见过您。

7.So the pon inquired what was the matter and why did the elephant's ears move with such a tremor every now and then.因此,狮子询问是什麽事,为什麽大象的耳朵提出这样一个震颤每一个现在,然后。

8."What seems to be the matter? " inquired Lincoln, with all the calmness and self-possession he could muster.“这是怎么一回事?”林肯询问道,他竭力保持沉着和镇静。

9.Yesterday, when my daughter inquired about her father's whereabouts, I said he was staying with his friend.昨天,当我女儿问她父亲在哪里时,我说他在跟他的朋友们在一起。

10.She inquired the cause of his melancholy and he said that he had just parted from his two grandchildren.她问他什么闷闷不乐,他说两个小孙孙刚刚离开他。