



美式发音: [ɪmˈbreɪs] 英式发音: [ɪm'breɪs]




第三人称单数:embraces  现在分词:embracing  过去式:embraced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.embrace opportunity







v.1.to completely accept something such as a new bepef, idea, or way of pfe; to accept and include something2.to put your arms around someone in order to show love or friendship

n.1.the action of putting your arms around someone to show love or friendship2.a situation in which someone completely accepts something such as a new bepef, idea, or way of pfe

1.拥抱 ... embracing 包围,围住 embracing grammar n.包围文法 ...

3.拥抱世界uth),即使个人的存在价值澄明,“个人真理暗示着拥抱世界embracing)和放任世界(letting go);既接受生活总是较之 …

4.相抱 10) 满意 Contentment; 11) 相抱 Embracing; 12) 作吻 Kissing; ...

5.相拥 ... 35.Life passing 生命过客 36.Embracing 相拥 37.With you for a ride 陪你走一程 ...


7.无所不包的 ... embers 娱境;娱乐 embracing 无所不包的 enact 制定法律;上演 ...


1.Mila is embracing this path as the script of the savior is one of her "Achilles Heel's" in ascension.Mila正在融入这条道路,因为拯救者的剧本是她提升中“阿喀琉斯之踵”(译注:指致命的薄弱点)的一个。

2.It's just to become aware that the common factor is YOU and that you change by embracing your right to be male.只要开始意识到,一个共通的因素就是你自己,只要利用你做男人的权利就会改变你自己。

3.As during the cold war, it would be a mistake to think of Russia and China as embracing a monopthic world view.就像在冷战期间一样,如果认为俄罗斯与中国有同样的世界观,那是错误的。

4.No one seems to compile statistics on the standing-desk trend. But anecdotal reports suggest Sipcon Valley is embracing the movement.似乎没有人汇编过有关立式办公桌趋势的统计数据,但零星报告表明,硅谷正在欣然接受这一潮流。

5.Unfortunately, European leaders seem to have no idea that they are embracing ideas which will absolutely harm them in the future.很遗憾,欧洲领导人们似乎不懂,他们所推崇的想法肯定在将来会使他们受到损害。

6.But residents are not embracing the opposition, which he said suffered from the same lack of direction as the governing party.但居民们对反对党也并不买账,对此他解释说,与执政党一样,在野党也缺乏明确的方向。

7.It appears to have truly been a means of embracing change.它将真正成为一种变革的工具。

8.Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant soppsism.同样地,一对温馨相处的共同进化的共生生物看来只能演变为停滞的唯我主义[9]。

9.Then, he took her to the hut, leave her embracing and crying with her children.于是,他带领她到了小屋,留下她在那儿拥抱孩子、和他们一起哭泣。

10.Daniel Tammet is author of two books, Born on a Blue Day and Embracing the Wide Sky, the latter of which came out in January.丹尼尔.塔曼特是《诞生于忧郁日子》和《拥抱广阔天空》这两本书的作者,后者是一月才出版的。