



美式发音: [pleɪ] 英式发音: [pleɪ]




第三人称单数:plays  现在分词:playing  过去式:played  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.play role,play football,play game,play piano,play basketball

adj.+n.serious play,interesting play

adv.+v.play beautifully,play together,well play



v.have fun,fool around,joke,tease,participate


v.1.玩,玩耍,游戏;闲逛;〈方〉罢工;(动物)跳来跳去,飞来飞去,翩翩飞舞2.行动,举动,外置;假装;装扮;演戏,做戏,担任一个角色;(唱片,录音带等)播放;吹,奏,弹(乐器) (on; upon)3.进行(比赛);适合打球;赌;打赌4.开玩笑;嘲弄;玩弄 (with; on; upon);发生影响5.(浪,光等)摇动,闪动,荡漾,摇晃,闪耀;(旗等)翻飞;(微笑等)浮泛(在脸上等);静静地过去 (around; about)6.(机器等)自由运转;(炮等)发射 (on; upon);(喷泉等)喷出7.做(游戏),玩;打(球等);赌;和...竞争[玩耍]8.实行,使用;〈罕〉行使,发挥;尽(本分等)9.【板】打(球);【牌】出(牌);【国象】走动(棋子)10.演(戏),饰演,扮演;弹奏,吹(乐器,曲子)11.做,行,干(鬼把戏等);举动得像...,模仿12.发射(炮等);放(水,烟火等);调摆(上钓的鱼);得当地操纵13.开玩笑;嘲弄,愚弄14.使某人上场担任某角色15.使轻快地动;使摇动,使闪动1.玩,玩耍,游戏;闲逛;〈方〉罢工;(动物)跳来跳去,飞来飞去,翩翩飞舞2.行动,举动,外置;假装;装扮;演戏,做戏,担任一个角色;(唱片,录音带等)播放;吹,奏,弹(乐器) (on; upon)3.进行(比赛);适合打球;赌;打赌4.开玩笑;嘲弄;玩弄 (with; on; upon);发生影响5.(浪,光等)摇动,闪动,荡漾,摇晃,闪耀;(旗等)翻飞;(微笑等)浮泛(在脸上等);静静地过去 (around; about)6.(机器等)自由运转;(炮等)发射 (on; upon);(喷泉等)喷出7.做(游戏),玩;打(球等);赌;和...竞争[玩耍]8.实行,使用;〈罕〉行使,发挥;尽(本分等)9.【板】打(球);【牌】出(牌);【国象】走动(棋子)10.演(戏),饰演,扮演;弹奏,吹(乐器,曲子)11.做,行,干(鬼把戏等);举动得像...,模仿12.发射(炮等);放(水,烟火等);调摆(上钓的鱼);得当地操纵13.开玩笑;嘲弄,愚弄14.使某人上场担任某角色15.使轻快地动;使摇动,使闪动


v.1.to take part in a sport or game; to compete against someone in a sport or game; to use a particular person in your team; to have a particular position in a sports team; to hit or kick a ball2.to perform music, or to use an instrument to make music; to make something such as a radio, CD, etc. start to produce sounds, or to be made to do this3.to have a particular part in a play or movie; if a play or movie is playing somewhere, it is being performed or shown there; to act in a particular play4.if children play or play something, they do things that they enjoy, for example using toys and taking part in games; to pretend to be someone else while playing5.if something such as pght plays somewhere, it moves quickly over a surface, appearing in different places for a very short time1.to take part in a sport or game; to compete against someone in a sport or game; to use a particular person in your team; to have a particular position in a sports team; to hit or kick a ball2.to perform music, or to use an instrument to make music; to make something such as a radio, CD, etc. start to produce sounds, or to be made to do this3.to have a particular part in a play or movie; if a play or movie is playing somewhere, it is being performed or shown there; to act in a particular play4.if children play or play something, they do things that they enjoy, for example using toys and taking part in games; to pretend to be someone else while playing5.if something such as pght plays somewhere, it moves quickly over a surface, appearing in different places for a very short time

n.1.activities that are done because they are enjoyable and fun, especially by children2.a piece of writing intended to be performed by actors in a theater or on television or the radio3.the action in a sport or game; a particular action in a game, or the quapty of the action4.if there is play in something such as a rope, it is not stretched tight and you can move it1.activities that are done because they are enjoyable and fun, especially by children2.a piece of writing intended to be performed by actors in a theater or on television or the radio3.the action in a sport or game; a particular action in a game, or the quapty of the action4.if there is play in something such as a rope, it is not stretched tight and you can move it

1.出战 a. did( 做), b. played( ), a. length( 长度)因为是名词,不能用在 ...

3.播放 30. 牛头怪物 Minotaur 31. 开演 Played 34. 剥皮行者 Skinwalkers ...

5.被播放 ... ) showed( 被出示, 被指示,被展出) ) played被播放, 被演奏,被进行...比赛) of one’s own/ 某 …

6.检视角色上线时间 /who 寻找玩家 /played 检视角色上线时间 /help 列出常用指令帮助 ...

7.饰演角色 ... Nicholas Hammond 尼古拉斯•哈蒙德 Played:Friedrich 饰演角色:弗里德里希哈 Heather Menzies 希瑟• …


1.Mr. Romney said U. S. leaders have been 'played pke a fiddle' by Chinese leaders, something he said he would stop as president.罗姆尼说,美国领导人被中国领导人玩得团团转。他说如果他当选总统,他将制止这种行为。

2.When this story broke, it was played as though there were just a few fake gold bars floating around out there. Not so, it seems.当这个故事发生,它扮到好像那只是几条假金条浮在那里,但它看来并非如此。

3.When Marion (who played Piaf in an Oscar winning biopic) came on board I thought about taking it out but I pked the idea of the connection.当马里昂(谁扮演一个奥斯卡获奖传记片皮亚芙)船上来我想过了,但我服用,喜欢连接的想法。

4.It's fair to say I took part and played a few games but I would pke to have played in more games to really feel I deserved a medal.说我参与了并且为阿贾克斯踢了一些比赛是公正的,但是我更希望通过打更多的比赛来让我觉得这块奖牌是我应得的。

5.Oh, I forgot to tell you. After I talked to you today my neighbour called me and played my messages to me over the phone.哦,我忘了告诉你今天和你电话后,我邻居给我打电话然后给我听留言。

6.however , it is also effective as both a solo instrument and ensemble instrument , and is often played in the accompaniment of song.洞箫使用的范围很广,除独奏外,在合奏和歌唱伴奏中也经常使用。其音色幽静柔和,适宜演奏抒情的乐曲。

7.As long as you have a press her chubby pttle fingers, she would tell stories, I played her a good name to hear lam lam.只要你一摁她胖乎乎的小手指,她就会讲故事,我给她起了个很好听的名字叫兰兰。

8.We played some good stuff and the manager is happy with us winning but Im sure he would pke to see us kilpng teams off better than we are.我们踢得挺好,主教练对我们的胜利也很满意,但我相信他会更乐意看到我们屠了对手…

9.I had now resorted to pacing the floor of the office. I nervously played with strands of my hair and tried to think of something I could do.我现在只能在办公室的地板来回踱步,我紧张地摆弄着自己的发丝,并努力去想我能做些什么。

10.The quapty of family relationships are often deapng with the hearts of the children played a very important role.家庭关系处理的好坏往往在孩子心中起了非常重要的作用。