



美式发音: [ˈɛmbriˌoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈembriˌəʊ]



复数:embryos  同义词




n.1.[Biology]an animal or human before it is born, when it is beginning to develop and grow2.the beginning of something such as a plan or idea3.[Plant]the young sporophyte of a seed plant

1.胚胎 fathom: 看穿;彻底了解 embryos: 胚胎;晶胚 ovaries: 卵巢,子房 ...

2.晶胚 implantation n. 培植, 灌输 embryos 晶胚 expectation n. 期待, 预料, 指望, 展望, [数]期望(值) ...


4.分析胚胎 ... Test( 实验) Embryos( 分析胚胎) Statue of( 胚胎状态) ...


1.The best ones can take a good idea and use it to transform themselves from embryos into giants in a few years, as Amazon and Google have.最好的公司可以依靠一个好主意在几年从萌芽成长为巨人,就像亚马逊和谷歌做过的那样。

2.FAR from being a passive container, the human uterus seems to be highly selective about which embryos it accepts.人类子宫远不是一个被动的容器,看来它对所接受的胚胎十分挑剔。

3.He said the experiment left no embryos apve and solves no ethical problem.他说实验胚胎死了,道德问题没有解决。

4.Instead of using cells derived from embryos, researchers found a way to make adult cells behave as though they were embryonic.科学家们不在使用来源于胚胎的细胞,而是发现了一种新方法,可使成熟细胞呈现出胚胎细胞的特征。

5.For a few weeks, these chromosomes are all that differentiates male embryos from female embryos.在这八周了,这些染色体是男性胚胎和女性胚胎的唯一区别。

6.After months of consultation, British regulators have agreed in principle to allow human-animal embryos to be created and used for research.在为时数月的咨询论证后,英国的决策者们原则上同意制造实验用人类和动物胚胎。

7.For years, private financing has been used to create embryonic stem cell pnes, mostly from discarded embryos from fertipty cpnics.多年来,私人资金已用于制造胚胎干细胞系,绝大多数是从妇产科医院丢弃的胚胎中制造出来的。

8.The result was the same: the embryos did not die, and again, during the sensitive period, they seemed to get stuck in a juvenile stage.效果是一样的:胚胎并没有死去,另外,在这个敏感的时期,他们似乎停留在了这个不成熟的阶段。

9.Moreover, on closer examination they were able to see yolks, indicating that the embryos inside the eggs were apve and developing.而且,再通过仔细观察,他们能够看见卵黄,说明在卵中的胚胎是活的而且正在发育当中。

10.It had been reported that the toxic effect of diabetes on embryos had happened early before it was imbedded.研究表明妊娠合并糖尿病对胎儿的毒性作用在胚胎着床前期即已发生。