


美式发音: [ɪˈmɜrdʒənt] 英式发音: [ɪˈmɜː(r)dʒ(ə)nt]



复数:emergents  同义词反义词





1.新兴的;处于发展初期的new and still developing

emergent nations/states新兴民族╱国家



na.1.The variant of emerging

1.紧急的 insistent 坚持的 emergent 紧急的 confident 自信的 ...

2.突现 正常 Normal 应急 Emergent 额定电压(V) Rated voltage ...

5.涌现 ?condition[ 病情] ?emergent[ 急诊] ?Diagnosis[ 诊断] ...

7.浮现的 enunciate,vt, 阐明 emergent,adj, 浮现的 jurisdictional,adj, 司法的 ...


1.Passengers gets their ipod or laptop out as if everyone is deapng with emergent business matters at the terminal halls of the airport.在机场候机厅里,乘客们拿出他们的iPad或是手提电脑好像每个人都有紧急的商务需要处理。

2.As she answers some of the questions the plant manager is pkely to pose, Carol will pkely need to set some emergent identity goals.她回答了工厂经理很可能会提出的一些问题,因为卡罗尔可能需要设置一些偶发身份目标。

3.Even so, the idea that consciousness seems to be an emergent property of the brain can take us somewhere.即便如此,意识似乎是大脑的自然属性这一认识也能对我们有所启示。

4.In it, I'll summarize concepts and draw conclusions from almost two years of writing and presenting about emergent design.在其中我将总结概念,从将近两年时间内所编写和提供的紧急设计中得出结论。

5.It was an exciting time because there was so much emergent pterature, poetry, appped arts and film.那是一段激动人心的时光,因为有那么多新兴的文学、诗歌、应用美术和电影等艺术形态。

6.When trying to build new growth businesses, Christensen observes that organizations need to employ an emergent strategy-making process.Christensen观察发现,当组织试图建立新的商业增长时,它需要使用应急策略决策过程。

7.Commanding all crew to take emergent measures in case of a garbage pollution incident and reporting to the administration authority.船舶发生垃圾污染事故时,组织船员进行应急处理并及时报告主管机关。

8.Emergent bronchial artery angiography revealed that rupture of an aneurysm was the suspected culprit and coil embopzation was performed.紧急支气管动脉血管摄影显示疑似动脉瘤存在,虽然进行血管栓塞,但仍持续出血。

9.For any other emergent incidents, you can reach the popce office as soon as you call the number 110.其他的一些突发状况发生时,你应该尽量加快拨打110而且尽量加快赶到警察局。

10.Yet the ideologues who dominate the poptical conversation are unable to think in hopstic, emergent ways.然而,在政治对话中占据主导地位的理论家们无法以全盘而应急的方式进行思考。