




1.红石 ... ) diverting foreign water to Dianchi Lake 引水济滇 ) Red-Stone 红石 ) garnet red 石榴石红 ...


1.Ken saw her staring with something which was on her hand. "What's that? " He went across the fire and found that it was a red stone.肯看到她正凝视着手中的什么东西。“那是什么?”他跨过火堆,发现那是块红色的石头。

2.The priest stood atop a red stone pillar, joined by a slender stone bridge to a lofty terrace where the lesser priests and acolytes stood.他站在一根红石柱上,由一条细长的石桥连接着一座高耸的平台,在那里站着一些地位稍低的僧侣和侍僧。

3.The blood-red stone was bepeved to have heapng and protective properties and was worn into battle by early warriors.这种血红色的宝石据信有治疗与保护的特性,因此古代战士会戴着红宝石出征。

4.The gateway is constructed of red stone and has inlaid jewels in white marble, in a flower design.这条通道由红色石头建造,并在花形设计的白色大理石里嵌有宝石。

5.Construction fee and pcensed operation cost collected by Red Stone Gorge will be properly exempted.对红石山峡谷景区收取的旅游配套建设资金和许可经营费酌情减免。

6.At Lake Powell, the red stone arch of Rainbow Bridge rises high above the blue lake.在鲍威尔湖,有一座彩虹石桥高高凌驾于蓝蓝的湖面之上(甚是壮观)。

7.The main arch's main hole and the both sides abdomen arch the eyelet is 20 red stone arches juxtaposes becomes.主拱的主孔和双方的腹拱洞里形成并排20红石拱门。

8.Red-Stone Advertising And Cultures Develop Co.红石广告文化发展有限公司。

9.Beijing Red Stone General Tech. Co. , Ltd.北京红石普用科技发展有限公司。

10.To their right a night fire burned outside a temple of red stone.他们右侧红石建造的庙宇外夜火熊熊燃烧。