




1.在树林之间 ... through the trees 在树林之间 We are through school at five o'clock. 我们五点上完了课。 ...

2.穿过树林 ... and your face,I can see... 看这你的脸,看着. Through the trees 穿过树林. I wIll find you; 我会找到你. ...

3.穿越树林 ... in my face 都显示在我的脸上. Through the trees 穿越树林. I will find you; 我会找到你. ...

4.通过树图片 道路图片 road 通过树图片 through the trees 秋天田野图片 autumn field ...

5.詹妮弗的肉体 ... 《Take It All》《 九》 《Through the Trees》《 詹妮弗的肉体》 《Trust Me …

6.从树梢之间 ... and your face,I can see... 我还看见你的脸… Through the trees 从树梢之间 I wIll find you; 我会找到你 ...


1.After making their way through the trees, they cpmbed to the top of the steep roadbed, knelt down along the railroad and began to play.两人穿过那排树木,爬上笔陡的路基,跪在地上玩了起来。

2.And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of pght.而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光。

3.I can't go and take a hike through the trees to see how badly it had been overrun by the growing brushes.我无法徒步穿过那片树林,看它已经被一直生长蔓延着的灌木丛弄得如何糟糕。

4.Pa raised his face to call out again, but before he could open his mouth an echo came threading its way through the trees.爸爸仰起了脸打算再呼叫一次,但是他还没开口,就有猫头鹰回应的声音穿过树丛传了过来。

5.A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of pght.牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。

6."Go, silly child! " said her mother impatiently. "It is no Black Man! Thou canst see him now, through the trees. It is the minister! "“走吧,傻孩子!”她母亲不耐烦地说。“他不是黑男人!你现在就能看到他,正在穿过林子走来。那是牧师!”

7.The sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of pght.阳光照进大树的枝桠,亦不过屡屡薄光。

8.you could not see the house through the trees. Men went by the trees and did not know that there was a house there.树儿长高了,你通过树丛看不到房子,人们从树丛旁走过,不晓得这里有一座房子。

9.I can hear the rustle of the wind through the trees and the running water from a nearby river.我能听见风吹过树叶的沙沙声,还有附近小河的淙淙流水声。

10.Perfectly selfless, the beauty of it, the butterfly doesnt take it as a personal achievement, he just disappears through the trees.完美的无我,它的美,蝴蝶并没将这当作一项个人成就,他只是消失在树间。