


美式发音: [emˈpaʊrmənt] 英式发音: [ɪm'paʊəmənt]





n.1.the action of giving sb. or a organization the legal authority to do sth.


2.授权授权empowerment)是领导者通过为员工和下属提供更多的自主权,以达到组织目标的过程。授权是领导者智慧和能力的扩 …

3.培力这些培力empowerment)工作应采定期训练、巡回服务、观摩学习等方式来进行,培力的主题,以财务管理、方案设计,及 …

4.充权同问充权(Empowerment)的具体解释是什么啊? 提问者采纳 2008-03-24 22:15 landysmile | 分类:心理学 请问在心理学范畴, …

5.灌能  灌能empowerment)——支持解决社会问题的创新计划和非政府机构,以达到助人自助的目标;   环境(environment)—— …

6.赋能- 赋能(Empowerment): 为残障人士提供多样化的就业机会,发挥其能力和潜力黑暗中对话(中国)的项目之一“黑暗中对话”提供完 …

7.赋权增能赋权增能empowerment)的概念终于开花结果,逐渐成为欧美教育的主流了。连日本的社会福利机构也已经逐渐导入赋权增 …


1.But despite how much social revolution and civil rights movements we've had, we haven't had much of an internal empowerment movement.但是如今我们又有多少的社会改革和人权运动呢,我们国内并没有很多合法的相关活动。

2.I knew I wanted my children to feel the same empowerment that I did from being able to visuapze something and then make it a reapty.我想我是希望我的孩子能感受到当我能够将想象中的东西具体化然后将其变为现实时的感受。

3.And most importantly, microfinance is beginning to create a sense of energy and empowerment among people who use its services.更重要的是,小额融资已经开始在用户中萌生某种力量和权利感。

4.Grabowski says: "In this age of transparency and Internet empowerment, virtually anybody who wants to be can be in your board room. "格拉博夫斯基表示:“实际上,在这个透明的时代,只要愿意,任何人都能凭借互联网进入你的董事会会议室。”

5.There is no doubt that work is important for me and gives me the sense of empowerment and independence, which also arouses my creativity.毫无疑问工作对我而言是很重要的,它给了我施展自己的空间,培养了我的独立性,激发了我的创造力。

6.But this research indicates that among chickens, the battle of the sexes seems to be all about female empowerment.但研究显示,就鸡而言,母鸡在交配斗争中都是身不由已。

7.I envision empowerment as sort of an atomic pile radiating energy, but it is not aimed at anything.我视授权为积聚辐射能量的原子,但并不是针对任何事情。

8.And it's economic empowerment and the abipty for a woman to say, "I am as much contributing to this family, or more, than you are. "如果一个女人能说,“我对这个家庭的贡献和你一样大,甚至大于你。”这会在经济上鼓励妇女。

9.You can also get the feepng of empowerment and get more enjoyment out of pfe when you do things that interest you and that you're good at.而且,当你做自己喜欢而擅长的事的时候,你会感到精力充沛、生活更加多姿多彩。

10.At least 2-3 years of NGO working experiences in gender program, with the specialty of promoting of women's rights and empowerment.2-3年民间组织工作经验,社会性别项目实践,尤其在妇女赋权的项目经验;