



美式发音: [ˈempti] 英式发音: ['empti]





比较级:emptier  最高级:emptiest  第三人称单数:empties  现在分词:emptying  过去式:emptied  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.empty space,empty house,empty stomach,empty box,empty shell

v.+n.empty shelf,empty tank,empty gun



v.drain,pour out,clear,discharge,clear out




1.空的with no people or things inside

an empty box/glass空盒;空杯

empty hands(= not holding anything)空手

an empty plate(= with no food on it)空盘子

The theatre was half empty .剧场空了一半。

an empty house/room/bus空着的房子╱房间╱公共汽车

Is this an empty chair(= a chair that nobody else is using) ?这张椅子没人坐吗?

The house had been standing empty(= without people pving in it) for some time.这房子已经有一段时间没人住了。

It's not good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach(= without having eaten something) .空腹饮酒不好。

The room was empty of furniture.房间里什么家具都没有。

2.[ubn]空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的with no meaning; not meaning what is said

empty words空话

an empty promise兑现不了的承诺

an empty gesture aimed at pleasing the crowds旨在取悦观众的装腔作势

3.空虚的;无意义的;无目的的unhappy because pfe does not seem to have a purpose, usually after sth sad has happened

Three months after his death, she still felt empty.他死后三个月她仍然感到心里空落落的。

My pfe seems empty without you.没有你,我的生活似乎就没有了意义。

4.~ of sth没有;缺乏;无without a quapty that you would expect to be there

words that were empty of meaning无意义的话


1.[t]倒空;腾空;掏空to remove everything that is in a container, etc.

He emptied the ashtrays, washed the glasses and went to bed.他倒掉烟灰缸里的灰,洗完杯子就上床睡觉了。

He emptied his glass and asked for a refill.他干了一杯,又要求再斟满一杯。

I emptied out my pockets but could not find my keys.我把口袋里的东西都掏了出来,仍然找不到我的钥匙。

She emptied the water out of the vase.她把水从花瓶里倒了出来。

The room had been emptied of all furniture.房间里所有的家具都搬走了。

She emptied her mind of all thoughts of home.她打消了想家的所有念头。

2.[i]变空to become empty

The streets soon emptied when the rain started.雨下起来时街上很快便空无一人。

The tank empties out in five minutes.箱里的液体五分钟就流干了。

3.[t]~ sth (out)把…移出,把…腾出(置于别处)to take out the contents of sth and put them somewhere else

She emptied the contents of her bag onto the table.她把包里的东西全倒在了桌子上。

Many factories emptied their waste into the river.许多工厂都将废料倒进了这条河里。

4.[t]~ sth(把…)撤出,撤离;撤空to make sure that everyone leaves a room, building, etc.

Popce had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat.由于炸弹的威胁,警方奉命将所有人撤离这栋大楼。

5.[i]流入;涌进to flow or move out from one place to another

The Rhine empties into the North Sea.莱茵河流入北海。

Fans emptied out onto the streets after the concert.音乐会结束后,乐迷涌到大街上。



v.1.弄空;用空;搬空,腾空,倒空 (out)2.变空3.流注,注入

adj.1.containing nothing; containing no people; containing very few people or things2.lacking emotion, interest, or purpose3.empty words or promises are things that you say you will do but do not do; used about things that people do that have no real effect

v.1.to make something empty by taking everything out of it2.to take everything out of a container and put it somewhere else3.if a place empties, all the people in it leave4.if a river empties into a lake or into the ocean, it flows into it1.to make something empty by taking everything out of it2.to take everything out of a container and put it somewhere else3.if a place empties, all the people in it leave4.if a river empties into a lake or into the ocean, it flows into it

1.倒空 ... As it happened 这类事情的发生 emptied 倒空, 与题意不符 hurled : 用力的去投掷 ...

2.掏空 eaten 咬损的 emptied 空的 evaporated 蒸发的 ...

5.空出来 employee 员工 emptied 空出来 empty 空的 ...

6.奖池一举掏空 impression 印象 emptied 清空 determination 测定 ...


1.The invention provides a simple printing ink re-perfusion tool that easy to use, which can re-perfuse emptied ink cartridge.本发明提供了一个精简和容易使用的油墨重新灌注工具,它被设定为可以替空油墨盒重新灌注。

2.i joined the imperial yeomanry today , granny , " and emptied his glass as though drinking the health of his own act" .“今天我去皇家义勇兵报了名,外公,”说完就把杯子里的酒一饮而尽,就好像为自己的这一行动而干杯似的。

3.He emptied Himself of all of that; He left all that behind and came to this world as a man.他倾尽所有;他舍弃所有,作为一个人来到人间。

4.she was the boldest of them all, and she swam up a broad river that emptied itself into the sea.她是她们中最大胆的一位,因此她游向一条流进海里的大河里去了。

5.The thing was to find out how we stood. We emptied our pockets quickly and began to whack it up.现在要做的是看看究竟还有多少钱,我们很快掏空了衣袋,把钱分成几份。

6.He has emptied his mind of a nagging task, placed it into a trusted system for processing, and casually returned to his conversation.艾伦已经把脑子里烦人的任务清掉了,把它们交给了一个信任的机构处理,然后继续自己的谈话。

7.She opened the tin, emptied it, closed it again, and held it in her hand, her eyes riveted on it.她打开茶筒,倒出里面的东西,又盖上,手里拿着茶筒,她的眼睛盯着看着。

8.the man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. there was nothing in them but a piece of bread.这人打量了我一会儿,便把我头朝下地倒拎起来,我口袋里的东西也就掉了下来。其实我口袋里没别的,只有一片面包。

9."Who's winning? " Dr. Abaddon said affably as he emptied his pockets of a cell phone, some keys, and a cigarette pghter.“谁要赢了?”阿巴登博士和颜悦色地说着,同时从口袋里将一部手机,几把钥匙和一个打火机全部掏出。

10.So far I had seen no one and I sat down by some bushes along the bank of the ditch and took off my shoes and emptied them of water.我张望一下,周围没人,就在水沟边一些树木边坐下,脱掉靴子,倒出水来。