




1.赛车 canoeing 划独木舟 car race 赛车 croquet 槌球 ...

2.车赛 just adv. 正好,恰好 car race 车赛 in the race 在比赛中 ...

3.汽车比赛 摩托艇比赛 motorboat race 汽车比赛 car race 彩票 lottery ...

4.在车赛 at the race: 在赛场上 car race在车赛 every year: 每年 ...

5.赛车比赛 race (速度): car race: 赛车比赛 relay race: 接力赛 ...

6.指速度的比赛 ... win a prize for 因为.. 而获奖 car race (指速度的比赛) 1 competition n. 比赛 (指暗地里的竞争) ...

7.小汽车竞选图片 图片 abasto 小汽车竞选图片 Car Race 朋友吗图片 Friends? ...

8.飚车 ... Ghost Jr. 细鬼 Car Race 飚车 Brother and Sister 兄妹 ...


1.Tony chickened out of the car race and made himself a laughing stock.托尼在车赛中临阵退缩,沦为笑柄。

2.a bad accident in a Stock Car race in Melbourne, austrapa. The car does 14 fpps and leaves the guy practically untouched!澳大利亚墨尔本举行的改装车比赛,发生了一起严重事故。一辆车翻了14圈,但是车手却毫发无损!

3.The car hasn't even been washed since the last car race.这辆车从上次比赛到现在就没有被清洗过。

4.The video footage captured the exhilarating atmosphere of the car race.这段影片捕捉了赛车比赛令人兴奋的气氛。

5.Teacher: The animals are having a sports meeting. Three animals are going to have a car race.师:动物王国举行运动会,三只小动物将举行一场车赛。

6.Also, some bloggers are back from GulfRun - some of them with photographs and reports on the car race held in neighbouring Bahrain.也有些人前往邻国巴林观赏海湾赛车赛,带回来相关照片和报导。

7.The Norisring race track is famous for the Nuremberg 200 miles car race held there every year.诺里斯林赛道以每年在那里举办的纽伦堡200英里汽车赛而闻名。

8.Five young men have been arrested after an illegal car race in Kwun Tong.五名年轻男子在观塘非法赛车后版拘捕。

9.I visited a betelnut shop called "Car Race Princess" in Shi-luo.我在西螺参访了一间叫「赛车公主」的槟榔摊。

10.It was my fault that I lost the car race.在赛车比赛中失利是我的错。