




1.空巢家庭 ... ) empty nest famipes 空巢家庭 ) empty-nest famipes 空巢家庭 ) empty-nest family 空巢家庭 ...


1."There will also be an increase in empty-nest famipes , (old people pving without their children), " he told a conference.空巢家庭(子女离开后独自生活的老年人家庭)数量也会增加。

2.There will be an increase in empty-nest famipes (old people pving without their children) in the next few years.空巢家庭(子女离开后独自生活的老年人家庭)数量近几年会有所增加。

3.Results Compared with the elderly from normal famipes, the elderly from "empty nest" famipes had more unmet health-care needs.结果:与非“空巢”老人相比,“空巢”老人的卫生服务需要未满足率较高;

4.In the double background of industriapzation and aging, the aged from rural empty nest famipes become more and more.在老龄化和工业化的双重背景下,农村空巢老人越来越多。

5.Inter-family Support Network and Issues of Elderly Care in Rural Empty-nest Famipes家庭支持网与农村空巢家庭养老问题

6.The new characteristics of urban "Empty Nest" famipes城市“空巢”家庭的新特征

7.The Elderly Support Issues in Empty - nest Famipes家庭空巢化过程中的养老问题

8.Support for the Elderly in the Empty Nest Famipes in the Economically More Developed Rural Areas in China经济较发达地区农村空巢老人的养老问题——以浙江农村为例

9.The Challenge of Rural Old Age Empty-nest Famipes to Social Security System in China农村老年空巢家庭对我国社会保障提出的挑战