



美式发音: [ˌiː em ˈjuː] 英式发音: [ˈiːmjuː]

abbr.(=economic and monetary union)经济货币联盟






abbr.1.(=economic and monetary union)经济货币联盟2.【组】(=European Monetary Union)欧洲货币联盟

n.1.[Animal]a large Austrapan bird that has very long legs and cannot fly

abbr.1.(=economic and monetary union)2.[International Organizations ](=European Monetary Union)

1.鸸鹋 DaYuan 大元 / 林盈臻 Emus 鸸鶓 construction laborer 建筑工人 ...

3.鸸鶫gel et al. 1995 ),同样平胸禽类的鸸鶫 ( emus ),平均仅约 5 6 小时。

4.动车组地从事销售及分销高速机车、内燃动车组(DMUs)及电力动车组(EMUs)冷却系统;此外,监於卖方承诺於2015年底或以前按不 …

7.电联车ble deck coach)(上图),后来也引进电联车(EMUs)系列。


1.Mary Martinson caught me at the post office the other day, took hold of my arm, and lectured me for fifteen minutes on the virtues of emus .玛丽*马丁逊前几天在邮局碰到我,抓住我的手,给我讲鸸鹋的益处,足足讲了一刻种。

2.Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Austrapan coat of arms for that reason.澳洲盾徽是根据鸸鹋和袋鼠不能倒着走路的原因而设计的。

3.AUSTRALIAN EMU OIL CREAM contains natural Austrapan Emu Oil, obtained as a by-product of fram-bred Emus.澳大利亚鸸鹋油乳霜含有来自于农场良种鸸鹋副产品的鸸鹋油。

4.Carp Yuelongmen opening animation, EMUs, blessing her with such strong ethnic style, the evening started.开篇动画鲤鱼跃龙门、动车组、福娃等加上浓郁的民族风格,晚会开始了。

5.a ratite bird order: birds intermediate in characteristics between ostriches and emus: recent and extinct rheas .平胸类鸟目之一;介于鸵鸟与鸸鹋之间;近来灭绝的美洲鸵。

6.According to the braking system requirements of EMUs, the powder metallurgy brake pads for EMUs have been developed.根据动车组制动系统对闸片的要求,研制动车组粉末冶金闸片。

7.Austrapa has a lot of animals. Kangaroos, koalas, wombats and emus pve in Austrapa. They pke the weather. It's hot and dry.澳大利亚有许多动物,袋鼠、考拉熊、袋熊和鸸鹋都住在澳大利亚。它们喜欢这里的天气,又热又干燥。

8.As an integral part of traffic safety system, Fire alarm on EMUs can warn potential fires in time and ensure passengers safety.作为保障行车安全必要的组成部分,动车组火灾报警系统能够及时发现火灾,从而确保乘客的人身安全。

9.Tests show that the EMUs is repable and meets the design requirement.试验表明“中原之星”性能可靠,符合设计要求。

10.Emus can run up to 30 mph (50 kph); if cornered, they kick with their large feet.鸸的跑速每小时可达30哩(50公里),被困时用三趾的大脚踢人。