


美式发音: [ɪnˈeɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'eɪb(ə)l]



第三人称单数:enables  现在分词:enabling  过去式:enabled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.enable user,enable purchase

adj.+n.legislation enable


v.allow,permit,make possible,empower,qualify



1.~ sb to do sth使能够;使有机会to make it possible for sb to do sth

The software enables you to create your own DVDs.这个软件可用来自制 DVD。

a new programme to enable older people to study at college使老年人有机会在大学学习的新方案

2.使成为可能;使可行;使实现to make it possible for sth to happen or exist by creating the necessary conditions

Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar.胰岛素使人体能够利用和贮存糖分。

a new train line to enable easier access to the stadium到体育场更为便捷的新列车线路


v.1.to give someone the ability or opportunity to do something2.to make a computer or piece of equipment available for use by the user

1.使能够 Misuse 误用 Enable 使能够 Forward 向前 ...

2.启用,有可能是在系统的BIOS设置中没有将USB 介面启动(Enable),您需要重新启动电脑,进入BIOS设置,并将USB介面启动..

4.允许 emphasis n. 强调,重点 enable vt 使能够,使成为可能 encourage vt. 鼓励,怂恿 ...


1.So learn to let go of these feelings to free up "head space" and enable you to enjoy life more.所以学会释放这些情绪空出顶部空隙,能让你更好的享受生活。

2.It will really enable you to highlight some of the features that you worked with before in a different and exciting way.这能够让你用一种不同的、更令人兴奋的方式去突出强调某些你曾经处理过的地理特征。

3.Events enable a class or object to notify other classes or objects when something of interest occurs.类或对象可以通过事件向其他类或对象通知发生的相关事情。

4.A haptics jacket, designed by scientists at Philips Electronics, can enable movie viewers to feel movies through a sense of touch.日前,飞利浦公司的科学家设计出一款触觉夹克,能让电影观众通过触觉感受电影情节。

5.But this does not enable one to identify the biological age of the system, only the systolic and diastolic pressures.但这些不能确定系统的生物学年龄,仅仅是心脏的收容压和舒张压。

6.At Samsung, we have been trying to provide as much opportunity for our employees to enable them to fully display his talents.在三星,我们一直努力为我们的员工提供尽可能多的机会,让他们充分施展自己的才华。

7.Fourth, security and effective democracy can enable the pursuit of a smart economic and social development strategy, he said.第四,他说,安全和有效的民主制度能促使实行明智的经济社会发展战略。

8.That would enable the bank to slash its regulatory capital, as well as parts of the bank that service the loans.这样做,可以使银行削减监管资本与服务贷款的部门。

9.Despite all the medical advances which have been developed to enable babies to be born safely, early delivery is still a major problem.尽管医疗技术水平不断提高以确保产儿安全出生,但早产依旧是一个严重的问题。

10.And enable communication between them, as well as providing a way for the container to manage its components.并启用它们之间的通信,同时为该容器提供了一种管理其组件的方法。