


美式发音: 英式发音: ['æŋglz]







n.1.The plural of angle

v.1.The third person singular present tense of angle

1.盎格鲁人 Norman conquest 诺曼征服 Angles 盎格鲁族 Saxons 撒克逊族 ...

4.角钢 铝合金 Aluminum alloy 角钢 Angles 槽钢 Channels ...

5.视点角度 ... 13.4.4 选择局部显示( select corners) 13.4.6 视点角度( angles) 13.4.8 各方向不同比例缩政( scale factors) ...

6.角度设置 9.4.2 查找( Search) 9.4.3 角度设置Angles) 9.4.4 撤消( Undo) ...


1.Azimuth and elevation are angles used to define the apparent position of an object in the sky, relative to a specific observation point.方位角和仰角是方位词,用来形容一个物体在空中相对于一个特定观察点的明显位置。

2.The results show that the main bearings can still be in a state of fluid lubrication when the journal misalignment angles are small.结果表明,轴颈不对中倾斜角度较小时,主轴承仍能够处于流体润滑状态;

3.The optimum intersection angles and the point position of symmetric resection are deduced by means of analytic method.用解析法导出对称交会时最佳交会角和最佳点精度;

4.As if she had a protractor in her head, she also sees precise angles. "When I draw a piece of equipment, I can test run it in my mind. "如同她的脑袋里长着一个量角器,她同样能读出准确的角度。“当我在脑袋里画一部仪器,我能在脑海里给它测试运行。”

5.Antenna ball around the cabin, "revolution" a week about 20 minutes, visitors to Guangzhou from all angles, overlooking the city.球舱围绕天线“公转”一周约为20分钟,游客能够从各个角度俯瞰广州市容。

6.In a traverse, afternoon reciprocal angles should be easy to arrange.在导线测量中,下午对向观测垂直角应该是容易安排的。

7.He went out of his way to lead us onto the roof and showed the photographer favorable angles for taking pictures.他特意带我们爬上楼顶,给摄影师介绍各个拍摄的角度。

8.Furthermore, most of the action takes place in the angles of your chart, where influences are most likely to affect you.更重要的是,这些天象大多数发生在你的星盘里影响最大的角度上。

9.Enough of this topic, I hope I've at least managed to shed some light from different angles on this sometimes pretty complex topic.对这个题目应该是足够了,我希望我已经至少从不同的角度设法阐明了这个有时候相当复杂的题目。

10.They could not speak or move, looking at her with their same postures and same expressions and same angles and keeping silent all day along.他们不会说话也不会动,整日价用同样的姿势同样的眼神同样的角度瞪视她保持深沉的缄默。