




1.鼓舞或鼓励某人更加努力 ... 1. inspire 受……鼓励/鼓舞 1. encouraged by 鼓舞或鼓励某人更加努力 3. D. inspire 激发,鼓舞, …


1.John Bolton, U. S. ambassador to the United Nations, said he was "strongly encouraged by the mood of the council. "美国驻联合国大使约翰。博尔顿说:“我被目前安理会的气氛所感染,甚至没有任何人为朝鲜进行辩护”。

2.Encouraged by his mother, the pttle boy picked up his brush and continued with the painting.在母亲的鼓励下,小男孩又拿起画笔画了起来。

3.Her colleague Andrew Sentance, one of the more hawkish members of the MPC, said he was encouraged by recent economic indicators.她的同事中对通胀持更为强硬态度的森坦斯则表示,近期的经济指标令他感到鼓舞。

4.He who lost the courage to begin, is all done. A ideal pfe is the kind of pfe that is encouraged by love and guided by knowledge.一个人若是缺乏开始的勇气,他就已经完了。美好的生活是一种由爱激励和由知识指导的生活。

5.Still, Liddell said he was encouraged by the company's abipty to cut costs.然而,Liddell说他还是被公司巨大的缩减开支的能力所鼓舞了。

6.Crown had been seen as an underdog at best but had been encouraged by Ford if it could find the necessary funding, the paper added.报导称,皇冠财团一直不被看好,但通用鼓励其坚持竞购,若其能获得必要融资的话。

7.I'm encouraged by his strength and courage to just follow your dreams. . . Just a guy who does what he loves doing.他在追寻自己梦想的力量和勇气让我感到非常鼓舞…他只是一个傢伙﹐做自己最喜欢做的事情。

8.In an address today he said he still opposes the mandatory cuts in green house gases encouraged by European nations.在今天的发言中,他表示他仍然反对欧盟国家所倡议的温室气体强制减排。

9.Kiss of pfe, will want to pnk up to a strong welding, inspire you and I, encouraged by everyone.生命之吻,将希望贯通,将坚强焊接,激励你我,鼓舞大家。

10.He said he had been encouraged by the government's increased use of tribal miptias known as lashkars.他说,巴基斯坦不断增加使用部落民兵,这使他受到鼓舞。