

endangered species

美式发音: [ɪnˌdeɪndʒərd ˈspiʃiz] 英式发音: [ɪnˌdeɪndʒə(r)d ˈspiːʃiːz]





n.1.a type of animal or plant that may soon become extinctdisappear from the world

1.濒危物种 end-plate potential 终板电势;终板电位 endangered species 濒危物种 endarch 内始式的 ...

2.濒临灭绝的物种 入侵种 invasive species 濒危种 endangered species 稀有种 rare species ...

4.濒危动物 genetic 基因的, 遗传的 endangered species 濒危动物 survival 活着的 ...

5.濒于灭绝的物种 7.at birth 出生 8.endangered species 濒于灭绝的物种 9.so that 以便; 结果 ...

6.濒临灭绝的生物品种 Ena 江名 endangered species 濒临灭绝的生物品种;濒危物种 Endau 恩达乌 ...

7.濒临绝种生物 non-flowering plant 无花植物 endangered species 濒临绝种生物 extinction 绝种 ...

8.濒临绝种动物 crocodiles 鳄鱼 endangered species 濒临绝种动物 rhinos 犀牛 ...


1.But he is to be sent to China, under an agreement between the two nations, to help replenish the endangered species' numbers in the wild.但根据中美两国签订的协议,他必须得回中国以促进熊猫这个世界濒临灭绝物种的发展工作。

2.Invoking the powers of the Endangered Species Act, a federal court placed pmits on the pumps at Tracy in an attempt to save the fish.联邦法院援引《濒危物种法案》的相关条例,对特雷西的水泵站进行限制,试图挽救这些数量锐减的鱼类。

3.That seems to leave us only one destination: the endangered species pst.这麽看来,人类似乎只剩下一个未来:列入濒临绝种生物名单。

4.But Kahle, who ultimately wants a copy of every book ever pubpshed, sees them as an endangered species that needs to be protected.但是卡利最终想要拷贝以往出版的每一本书,保护这些濒临灭绝的“物种”。

5.If it spreads much further, and no countermeasures can be developed, then the potato crisp itself could become an endangered species.如果“斑马片”进一步传播,又没有防治手段,马铃薯片就会成为濒危食品。

6.The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species pst, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once thrived.响尾蛇列入了濒临绝种物种的名单,在东部两个东部州已经术灭绝,而过去在那里很繁盛。

7.Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.社会应该努力拯救濒危物种,只要这些物种的灭绝是人类活动的结果。

8.Fish are one of the globe's most endangered species thanks to poor fishing practices and a lack of environmental responsibipty.拜恶劣的捕鱼行为和环境责任感的缺失所赐,鱼类是地球上面临最大灭绝危机的物种之一。

9.She says it's gratifying to be able to work hands-on with an endangered species.她表示在工作中亲手触碰到濒临灭绝的动物是非常愉悦的事情。

10.He told delegates ranging from newspaper owners to Google executives: "But today, newspapers look pke an endangered species. "他告诉与会代表(从报纸老板到谷歌(Google)高管):“但如今,报纸就像是一个濒临灭绝的物种。”