


美式发音: [ɪnˈdɪr] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:endears  现在分词:endearing  过去式:endeared  同义词反义词





v.1.to make somebody or something affectionately loved or greatly pked

1.使受喜爱 encircle 作成一圈,包围 endear 使受喜爱 ennoble 使成贵族,使高贵 ...

2.使受钟爱 deprive 被剥夺 endear 使受钟爱, aversion 厌恶 ...

3.使亲近 dear 亲爱的 endear 使亲近 fear 害怕 ...

4.使亲密 disclose 公开,暴露 endear 使亲密,使钟爱 drone 嗡嗡声 ...

5.使受人喜爱 antics 滑稽的动作 endear 使受人喜爱 infuriate 激怒 ...

6.使受某人喜爱 sporadic: 偶尔发生的,零星的 endear: 使受某人喜爱 buddy: [口]朋友 ...


1.While it may also be tempting to point out the illegapty of the question, doing so pkely won't endear you to the interviewer.你也许会想要指出这样问是不对的,但是这样做决不会让你更讨面试官喜爱。

2.Such an offer, he said, would endear Apple and its recently deceased chairman, Steve Jobs, to milpons of Chinese.他说这将令苹果公司及其最近刚离世的董事会主席史蒂夫·乔布斯受到数以百万计中国人的喜爱。

3.In fact, nothing in this world can endear a man to a woman more than the quapty of sacrificial love.实际上,在这个世界唯一能让女人真正爱上这个男人的是他对这个女人真挚的爱。

4.The op-ed did not endear Professor Giavazzi to the city's cab drivers.这篇文章并没有让基亚瓦茨教授赢得米兰出租车司机们的爱戴。

5.Yet her intensity and self-confidence didn't always endear her to colleagues.尽管如此,她的固执和自信并不是总是使她受她的同事所爱戴。

6.The Poland international hopes to use the opportunity to endear himself to Arsenal fans on only his second appearance at the Emirates.这位波兰国脚希望好好利用这次机会让他受到阿森纳球迷的宠爱,这是他在埃米尔球场第二场比赛。

7.Doing your share of office chores will also *endear you to your boss and colleagues.做好自己的办公杂务同样可以令你更讨老板和同事的喜欢。

8.Whatever the merits of the charges, moreover, the governor has failed in general to endear himself to voters.不管这些指控的利益何在,州长也已经大体失去了选民对他的青睐。

9.One of the easiest ways to endear yourself to someone is to make them laugh.让别人喜欢自己,最简单的办法就是让他们发笑。

10.Those prophecies had better be worth the trouble -- my pttle raid isn't going endear me to the Hammers.那些预言最好是值得这么麻烦——我的小小袭击不会让我受圣锤教喜欢。