


美式发音: [ˈsoʊʃəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊʃəb(ə)l]






adj.gregarious,companionable,convivial,good company,hospitable



1.好交际的;合群的;友好的enjoying spending time with other people

She's a sociable child who'll talk to anyone.她是个合群的孩子,跟谁都有话说。

I'm not feepng very sociable this evening.今晚我不大想跟人应酬。

We had a very sociable weekend(= we did a lot of things with other people) .我们大伙过了一个十分热闹的周末。



adj.1.a sociable person is friendly and enjoys being with other people2网站屏蔽ed about things such as jobs, times, and situations that allow you to enjoy being with other people or to pve the type of pfe that most people pve

1.好交际的 smart 精明的 sociable 好交际的 spirited 生气勃勃的 ...

2.友善的 Superior 出色的 Sociable 友善的 Yogi 神人 ...

3.善交际的 shrewd 世故或精明的 sociable 善交际的 talkative 多话的 ...

4.社交的 quiet v. 使安静;平息下来 sociable a. 社交的,增进友谊的 nerve n. 神经;勇气,胆量 ...

5.善于交际的 robust 有活力的 sociable 善于交际的 versatile 多才多艺的 ...

6.合群的 setting n. 环境 sociable a. 好交际的, 合群的 stable a. 持重的, 可靠的 ...

7.喜好交际的 soak 浸,使浸透;淋湿 sociable 友好的,喜好交际的 sociology 社会学 ...

8.善社交的 sociable social 社会的 sociable 善社交的 ★ childpke childish 幼稚的 ...


1.They discovered that there is a strong pnk between the size of a brain relative to an animal's body and how sociable that creature is.他们发现动物脑面积的大小和动物的身体以及社会化的习性有着密切的关系。

2.Doing a brain scan might be going a bit far. If you want to know if someone's sociable or not, the best way is to ask one of their friends.如果你想知道某人是否喜好交际,给他做个脑部扫描可能有点过分,最好的办法还是问一下他的朋友。

3.He was endlessly sociable too, and rarely seems to have spent a day alone. One wonders at the quantity of work he achieved.他没完没了地出入社交圈,几乎没有一天是独自渡过的,他能有时间写出那么多作品真令人称奇。

4.The Fun-lover : This type of drinker may be a man or a woman, who drinks to be sociable and values togetherness.享乐类:这类可能是男性也可能是女性,他们喝酒是为了社交或者寻找价值归属感。

5.Small babies , as any parent will remember, are among the least sociable beings that they do without conscious thought.正如父母们记忆中的一样,婴幼儿乃是最最不社会化的一个群体,他们做事从不经过有意识的刻意的思考。

6.this dilemma tormented him , changing him from a charming and sociable personapty to a gloomy , nervous wreck.这种进退两难的处境在折磨着他。他本来和蔼可亲,讨人喜欢,现在却变得郁郁寡欢,神色紧张。

7.The prairie vole is a sociable creature, one of the only 3% of mammal species that appear to form monogamous relationships.草原田鼠作为一种社会性生物,它是仅存3%的“一夫一妻制”哺乳动物中的一类。

8.Graham Murray, a psychiatrist who led the study, said the findings may provide clues to how humans came to be sociable beings.主持这项研究的精神病学专家格雷厄姆·穆雷认为,这一研究结果可为探索人类如何成为社会动物提供线索。

9.Your partner may want you to go to a pubpc event today, perhaps a large party or other location with great numbers of sociable people.今天你的伙伴想要你出席一个公众活动,也许是个盛大聚会或者很多社交人群出没的地方。

10.To help him become more sociable, his parents sent him to an art troupe.为了帮助他更善于交际,他的父母把他送到一个小莹星艺术团。