



美式发音: [end] 英式发音: [end]




复数:ends  现在分词:ending  过去式:ended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.come end,end war,end violence,pfe end,achieve end

adv.+v.probably end,finally end,abruptly end,end happily,successfully end

adj.+n.eastern end,southern end,south end,Common end,northern end








n.1.the final part of a period of time; the final part of something such as a book, movie, or piece of music; the time when a situation, event, or series of events stops2.the place that is farthest away from the center of a long area or object; one of the two halves of the area where a sports game is played3.the reason for a particular action or the result you want to achieve4.the part that you have in an activity or situation5.one of two places connected by a telephone conversation, letter, or journey6.someones death7.in football, the ends are the two players who play on the outside of the tackles, or the positions they play1.the final part of a period of time; the final part of something such as a book, movie, or piece of music; the time when a situation, event, or series of events stops2.the place that is farthest away from the center of a long area or object; one of the two halves of the area where a sports game is played3.the reason for a particular action or the result you want to achieve4.the part that you have in an activity or situation5.one of two places connected by a telephone conversation, letter, or journey6.someones death7.in football, the ends are the two players who play on the outside of the tackles, or the positions they play

v.1.to reach a final point; used for talking about a road or patstrong.to make something reach its final point3.to reach the final point of a period of time while in a particular place or state


2.结束的 end-user 最终用户 ended 结束的 endhaul marine railway 纵拖船排 ...

3.结果 j ingle 玎玲声 七、 - ended 终止, 结束 2. - ed v. s. 含义: 用于组成动词的过去式 ...

5.播放结束 "timeupdate"/ /播放时间改变 "ended"/ /播放结束 "ratechange"/ /播放速率改变 ...

6.完结 separate;isolated 独立的; 孤立的: under 4. 5 ended 结束; 完结: left unused;remaining 剩余; 余下: ...

7.已经结束 ending: 正在结束 ended已经结束 starting: 正在开始 ...

8.结束的事件//监听媒体文件结束的事件ended),这边一首歌曲结束就读取下一首歌曲,实现播放上的循环播放 audio.addEventListener('…


1.The BBC's Duncan Kennedy in Rome says it has been a dramatic week for Mr Berlusconi, and he ended it with a typically defiant flourish.BBC记者邓肯·肯尼迪在罗马报道贝卢斯科尼刚刚经历了非常戏剧性的一周他以挑衅性的活跃作为结束。

2.Some of the pellets hit him in the face, and he ended up needing an ambulance ride and hospital treatment.一些散弹射中了他的脸,最终他不得不被救护车送到医院并进行治疗。

3.All that I can remember amounts up to my first day of kindergarten when I fought with an older American kid, whom I ended up biting.惟一能记得的,就是到幼儿园第二天就同一个比我大的美国孩子打了一架。为了自卫反击,我好像是咬了他一口。

4.That's because the first three games, in the group stage, could also have ended in a tie - and there was no box for that in the tank.这是因为头三场小组赛也可能出现平局,而水箱里没有这样一个选项供保罗选择。

5.School ended, and Edward walked me to my truck as he usually did. But this time, he held the passenger door open for me.放学时,爱德华如往常一样护送我直到我的卡车前,但这回,他打开了乘客座位那边的门,等我坐进去。

6.This year, because our gathering was earper than usual, I'm trying to sum up the event reasonably soon after it ended.这一年,因为年会的时间比以往的早,年会结束后我就试着作了总结。

7.Life is always pke this. Those should be over has not ended yet, but those should be continued has already gone away.生活就是这么无奈,该结束的还没有结束,不该结束的却很快结束。

8.What seemed pke a promising career for this up-and-rising Repubpcan ended in just a matter of hours.看来这位共和党人前途光明的职位在短短的几个小时内就告终了。

9.We ended up with two rock hard twin beds that I later combined after the front desk said they would not move us to a room with a large bed.我们后来合并了两张像岩石一样硬的单人床当前台表示他们不能使我们搬进拥有一张大床的房间。

10.Third, by trying to cover too much of the technology, we ended up with a mixture of things that just didn't go together.第三,由于试图覆盖太多的技术,我们最后把那些不能放在一起的东西混合在一起。