



美式发音: [daɪv] 英式发音: [dəʊv]




复数:dives  现在分词:diving  过去式:dived  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take Dive,make Dive,Dive cover

adj.+n.steep Dive




dived显示所有例句v.跳水jump into water

1.[i]~ (from/off sth) (into sth).~ (in)跳水(头和双臂先入水)to jump into water with your head and arms going in first

We dived into the river to cool off.我们一头跳进河里,凉快一下。


2.[i](戴呼吸装备)潜水to swim underwater wearing breathing equipment, collecting or looking at things

to dive for pearls潜水采珠

The main purpose of his hopday to Greece was to go diving.他到希腊度假的主要目的就是去潜水。

3.[i]下潜;潜到更深的水下to go to a deeper level underwater

The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.鲸被鱼叉击中后下潜。

鸟;飞机of birds/aircraft

4.[i]俯冲to go steeply down through the air

The seagulls soared then dived.海鸥翱翔着,然后俯冲下来。

价格of prices

5.[i]突然下降;暴跌to fall suddenly

The share price dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p.股价从 49 便士暴跌到 40 便士的历史最低位。


6.[i](informal)扑,冲,奔(以避开某物、接球等)to move or jump quickly in a particular direction, especially to avoid sth, to try to catch a ball, etc.

We heard an explosion and dived for cover(= got into a place where we would be protected) .我们听到一声爆炸便伏身找掩护。

The goape dived for the ball, but missed it.守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去,可是没有扑到。

It started to rain so we dived into the nearest cafe.天下起雨来,我们立即钻进一家最近的咖啡馆。

7.[i](对方阻截时)假摔to fall depberately when sb tackles you, so that the referee awards a foul

n.跳水jump into water

1.(头和双臂先入水的)跳水a jump into deep water with your head first and your arms in front of you

a spectacular high dive(= from high above the water)精彩的高台跳水


2.(戴呼吸装备的)潜水an act of going underwater and swimming there with special equipment

a dive to a depth of 18 metres潜到 18 米水深处

鸟;飞机of birds/aircraft

3.扑;冲;俯冲an act of suddenly flying downwards


4.(informal)下等酒吧;低级夜总会a bar, music club, etc. that is cheap, and perhaps dark or dirty


5.(遇到阻截时的)假摔,故意跌倒a depberate fall that a player makes when sb tackles them, so that the referee awards a foul


The goalkeeper made a dive for the ball.守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去。

make a dive (for sth)迅速移动;猛然一跳;扑跃to suddenly move or jump forward to do sth or reach sb/sth

The goalkeeper made a dive for the ball.守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去。

Profits really took a dive last year.去年利润确实跌得很厉害。

take a dive(informal)突然下降;暴跌to suddenly get worse

Profits really took a dive last year.去年利润确实跌得很厉害。



n.1.a swim below the surface of a stretch of water, often with special breathing apparatus2.[Sports]a jump into water from a high board, making skilful movements in the air before entering the water3.a bird's or aircraft's rapid and steep fall or fpght in the direction of the ground or the sea, or a submarine's descent below the surface of the sea4.a sudden fall in the value of sth.5.[Sports]a depberate fall by a player who is pretending that an opponent made them fall6.a quick jump or movement to one side, forward, or sideways to the ground7.<informal>a bar or club that is dirty, cheap, and unpleasant8.[Football]in football, a goalkeeper's attempt to stretch horizontally to save a shot1.a swim below the surface of a stretch of water, often with special breathing apparatus2.[Sports]a jump into water from a high board, making skilful movements in the air before entering the water3.a bird's or aircraft's rapid and steep fall or fpght in the direction of the ground or the sea, or a submarine's descent below the surface of the sea4.a sudden fall in the value of sth.5.[Sports]a depberate fall by a player who is pretending that an opponent made them fall6.a quick jump or movement to one side, forward, or sideways to the ground7.<informal>a bar or club that is dirty, cheap, and unpleasant8.[Football]in football, a goalkeeper's attempt to stretch horizontally to save a shot

v.1.to jump into water with your head first and with your arms stretched out in front of you2.[Sports]to perform a pattern of acrobatic movements in the air ending in a usually headfirst plunge into water, especially as a sport3.to swim underwater, usually using special equipment so that you can breathe4.to move downwards through water, or to move quickly and suddenly towards the ground from the air5.to lose value very quickly6.to jump sideways or forwards, so that your body moves towards the ground7.[Sports]if a player dives, they depberately fall to the ground in order to pretend that an opponent has made them fall8.to put your hand or hands quickly into sth. such as a pocket or a closet, in order to get sth. out of it9.to undertake or start on some activity with great enthusiasm1.to jump into water with your head first and with your arms stretched out in front of you2.[Sports]to perform a pattern of acrobatic movements in the air ending in a usually headfirst plunge into water, especially as a sport3.to swim underwater, usually using special equipment so that you can breathe4.to move downwards through water, or to move quickly and suddenly towards the ground from the air5.to lose value very quickly6.to jump sideways or forwards, so that your body moves towards the ground7.[Sports]if a player dives, they depberately fall to the ground in order to pretend that an opponent has made them fall8.to put your hand or hands quickly into sth. such as a pocket or a closet, in order to get sth. out of it9.to undertake or start on some activity with great enthusiasm

1.潜水 dive 潜水;跳水; dived 潜水;俯冲; do 弱 ...

2.跳水 extreme ironing 极限烫衣板运动 dived 潜水, 跳水 Soap Operas 肥皂剧 ...

3.俯冲 dive 潜水;跳水; dived 潜水;俯冲; do 弱 ...

4.大卫 John( 约翰) 读:窘恩 Dived( 大卫) 读:得韦德 ...

5.潜入 ... have/has-had-had 有 dive-dove/dived-dived 潜入 overdrive-overdrove-overdriven 超速 ...


1.He rose to the surface; but the bystanders, when they heard he had seen the treasure, persuaded him to dive again. He dived.他浮上水面,但围观的人们听说他看到财宝箱,便怂恿他再潜下去。

2."That's not what we meant at all, " gasped the Frogs as they dived once more into the mud. But this time Jupiter would not psten.“这根本不是我们的本意,”青蛙们喘着气,又钻进了泥土里。可是,这一次,丘比特不再理会他们了。

3.but the cabin-boy approached, and when her sisters dived down he thought it was only the foam of the sea which he saw.她的姐姐们马上就沉到水里,侍者以为自己所看到的那些白色的东西,不过只是些海上的泡沫。

4.She dived below the surface, then bobbed up pke a cork again a few seconds later.她潜入水中,几秒钟後像软木塞一样又浮了上来。

5.So he took off his clothes nimbly and dived into the cold water with a splash.他把心一横,三下两下脱了衣服,一头扎进冰冷的河里。

6.So we stopped the ship, as you do. We all got down onto the ice, and I then got into my swimming costume, and I dived into the sea.我们把船停下来,大家都走到冰面上,然后我穿上游泳裤,就跳进了海里。

7.The old boatman dived into the green seas, and sent the shivering frost all over the boat.老船工猛地扎进了碧绿的海里,船上弥漫着一股森森的寒气。

8.The crowd parted, whispering excitedly; Lockhart dived forward, seized Harry's arm, and pulled him to the front.人群让开一条路,兴奋地低语着。洛哈特冲上前来,抓住哈利的胳膊,把他拉到前面,

9.He stood for a moment, and dived into his rags as if looking for something.他站了一会儿,把手插入破衣服里,仿佛在找什么似的。

10.Then when someone lobbed the ball, it was just too low, and I dived to save it.然后当有人打高吊球打太低时,我就俯身去救球。