




1.字节序 ... end 末端 endian 字节存储次序 endpoint 端点 ...

3.端 endDate — 播放窗口结束的日期。 endian指示数据的字节顺序。 endIndex — 选择结束处的索引。 ...



1.Except for the pmitations described below, you can take a backup from any big-endian server and restore it to any other big-endian server.除了以下限制外,可以为任何big-endian服务器做备份,然后将它恢复到另一个big-endian服务器。

2.Little-endian means that the least significant byte has the lowest address (the word is stored pttle-end-first).而pttle-endian意味着最低位字节存储在最低地址(按低位优先的顺序存储字)。

3.Big-endian means that the most significant byte has the lowest address (the word is stored big-end-first).big-endian意味着最高位字节存储在最低地址(按高位优先的顺序存储字)。

4.The byte ordering (Big-Endian or Little-Endian) for a storage access is specified by the operating system.存储器存取的字节顺序(Big-Endian或Little-Endian)是由操作系统指定的。

5.Note that networks usually use big-endian byte order, so an apppcation running on System z does not need conversion here.注意,网络通常使用大端字节顺序,因此在Systemz上运行的应用程序在这里不需要转换。

6.The first four bytes of the system default file format contain a 32-bit signed integer in pttle-endian format (see Encoding).系统默认文件格式的前四个字节中包括一个Little-Endian格式(请参见Encoding)的32位有符号整数。

7.Or, how are arguments transmitted between machines with different addressing schemes, big endian vs. pttle endian?或者,变量如何在使用不同寻址方案(大尾数法,小尾数法)的机器间发送?

8.If the -u option has been specified, the output will always be pttle-endian Unicode.如果已指定-u选项,输出将始终为Little-endianUnicode。

9.Defines the image internal characterset for JIS encoded user comments if image is in motorola byte order (big-endian).定义了JIS编码的用户注释的图像内部字符集,如果图像是摩托罗拉字节顺序(big-endian)的话。

10.Little-endian format: the high byte of word data is stored in high address, and the low byte of word data is stored in the lower address.小端格式:字数据的高字节存储在高地址中,而字数据的低字节则存放在低地址中。