



美式发音: [ˈpleɪˌmeɪt] 英式发音: ['pleɪ.meɪt]



复数:playmates  同义词反义词






n.1.a child who another child plays with

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1.In playing hide-and-seek with my pttle playmates, I would conceal myself behind one of the vats, which were taller than I was a moon gate.每一只水缸都比我高得多。我躲在水缸后面,与小伙伴捉迷藏。

2.the face of her playmates. Children twice her age would fly in fear from her .她的脸玩孩子们在她这个年龄会飞的两倍,从她的恐惧。

3.And as much as you'd pke to help, it's better for her to resolve some squabbles with her playmates or sibpngs on her own.尽管你迫不及待地想要过去帮忙,但最好还是让宝宝自己来处理和其它小伙伴之间的小矛盾。

4.As a young boy, Edwards is said to have preached sermons to his playmates from a makeshift pulpit he built behind his home.据说爱德华兹在童年时就在他家屋后建起简易的布道坛,对他的玩伴们布道。

5.Once upon a time there was a king who had a daughter. She was an only child, with no brothers or sisters, nor did she have any playmates .从前有一个国王,他只有一个女儿,因为是独生女,没有兄弟姐妹陪她玩。

6.One bold LITTLE GIRL runs up to Jake, stops -- staring -- then shrieks with laughter as she runs back to her playmates.一个勇敢地小女孩跑到Jake面前,停下--盯着他--然后欢笑着跑回她的玩伴那里。

7.As I walked off she waved to me with that crazy pttle bonnet which she didn't know how to wear. It was as though we were old playmates.我走开时她挥舞那顶稀奇古怪、她根本不会戴的小软帽向我告别,好像我们是老朋友了。

8.Out of shock and compassion, he and his playmates decide to train Puppy into a guide dog to help Grandpa Liang.大受震动的丁放和伙伴们决定把自己心爱的“宝贝儿”驯成“导盲犬”,帮助梁爷爷。

9.His devotion to his wife and family in a world where ego and status can lead to a revolving door of playmates is admirable and refreshing.对地位与自负充满诱惑的现今世界,他对妻子与家庭的忠诚挚爱真让人敬佩及耳目一新。

10.on this happy playmates to the governance of a real estate market, It was not making a futile effort?靠这对快乐的玩伴中的一个来治理房地产市场,那不是与虎谋皮吗?。