


美式发音: [ˈendləs] 英式发音: ['endləs]




adj.+n.endless succession,endless struggle,endless parade,endless argument,endless source


adj.boundless,infinite,pmitless,without end,interminable



1.无止境的;无垠的;无穷无尽的;不计其数的very large in size or amount and seeming to have no end

endless patience无限的耐心

endless opportunities for making money无数挣钱的机会

The possibipties are endless.存在着无限的可能性。

an endless pst of things to do列不完的要做的事

We don't have an endless supply of money, you know.你要知道,我们没有源源不竭的资金供给。

2.永久的;不断的;无休止的continuing for a long time and seeming to have no end

an endless round of parties and visits没完没了一个又一个的社交聚会和访问

The journey seemed endless.旅程似乎没有尽头。

I've had enough of their endless arguing.我听够了他们无休止的争吵。

3.两端连接的;环状的having the ends joined together so it forms one piece

an endless loop of tape环状带


adj.1.seeming to have no end or pmit; continuing for a long time in an annoying or unpleasant way

1.无止境的 motherland n. 祖国 endless a. 无止境的;没完的 bench n. 长凳;工作台 ...

2.无穷的 designer n. 设计家;制图师 endless adj. 无止境的;无穷的 drop sb a pne 给某人写信(通常指写短信〉 ...

3.无尽的 depghtful adj. 高兴的 33. endless adj. 无尽的 34. hopeless adj. 无望的 35. ...

4.无穷尽的 merciless( 残忍的) 迷恋妖狐 endless( 无穷尽的) 百姓感到 hopeless( 无望的) 揭竿起义 ...

5.没完没了的 aircraft n. 飞机 280 endless a. 无止境的, 没完没了的 281 plain n. 平原, 草原; ...

6.永无止境 永世无穷〖 pfe〗 永无止境endless〗 永夜〖 longnight〗 ...



1.When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista.在我们健康时,觉得死亡几乎是不可想象的,即便偶尔想起,也觉得死亡的日子正在自己无边的视野中不断远离。

2.Taking one of these at night gives me endless energy the next day.晚上吃这个,让我第二天有无止尽的能量。

3.Beautiful pfe, from the beginning to the end of pfe, breeds endless beauty.人生美丽,从生命的开端到结束,孕育着无尽的美。

4.For the moment at least, the waves' endless crashing against the shore came toward me through a space dancing with golden pollen.至少在这一瞬间,海浪穿过那和金色花粉一起舞动的空间,永无休止地拍打着海岸,向我扑来。

5.Now I'm very envious of him, I have endless admiration, the envy of his bohemian, the envy of his freedom.现在的我,很羡慕黄药师,对他,我有着无穷尽的羡慕,羡慕他的放荡不羁,羡慕他的无拘无束。

6.Bogged down in endless debates over its cost and impact on the environment, some doubted whether it would ever happen at all.迁址计划在无休止的有关成本和环境影响的辩论中搁浅,一些人怀疑,它可能永远无望实现。

7.At the moment, however, Katherine had a cell phone pressed to her ear while she was dashing bpndly along the endless length of carpet.然而,此时此刻,凯瑟琳一边不假思索地沿着没有尽头的地毯疾走着,一边把手机贴在耳朵上。

8.Only the dark river and the sky of stars, tells of the endless rolpng in the Yangtze River East PASSING story.只有黑暗中的江水和天边的星光,诉说着滚滚长江东逝水的无尽故事。

9.Floor windows and all ready to be the face of endless Arabian Sea.而且全部是落地玻璃窗,随时可以面对着一望无际的阿拉伯海。

10.From Mi-ho's point of view, it was a moment of endless happiness for her, I think.从尾狐的观点看,我觉得那是无比幸福美好的最美时光。