



美式发音: [trænsˈfɔrmər] 英式发音: [trænsˈfɔː(r)mə(r)]



复数:transformers  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.electrical transformer

n.modifier,converter,changer,new broom



n.1.a piece of equipment that changes the voltage of a flow of electricity

1.变压器 线材 Cables 变压器 Transformers 电位器 Attenuators ...

2.变型金刚 ... 美国队长 Captain America:The Fi… 变形金刚3:月黑之时 Transformers… 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪 Pirates o…

5.变型金钢 ... 片源:黑暗骑士( THE DARK KNIGHT) 片源:变型金钢Transformers) 片源:功夫熊猫( Ku…


1.Mr. Zhu is not the first to make his own Transformers, there was the Citroen transfomer a while back as well.朱先生不是第一个自制变形金刚的,很久之前就有一个系列的雪铁龙变形金刚问世了。

2.They were the best because if you got all six of the toys together, you could make Devastator. One of the best Transformers toys ever.他们是最厉害的,因为把组合挖地虎的六个玩具组装起来就变成了大力神--有史以来最厉害的变形金刚。

3.''Transformers'' overcame harsh reviews from critics, who called it a visual-effects extravaganza without much story or human heart.变形金刚克服了评论家的恶劣评语,被其视为无故事情节无人类内心情感的视觉作品。

4.Discuss with your fellow board members by pressing the Discuss Button and on our Transformers: The Dark Of The Moon Trailer Discussions.与您同行董事会成员讨论通过按按钮和我们讨论变形金刚:月亮的预告片黑暗的讨论。

5.Thyristors are the only solution to control transformers and special loads that change resistance with temperature and with age.晶闸管是唯一的方法来控制变压器和特殊负载(这些负载的电阻随温度和世间的变化而变化)。

6.Although the face of the earth end of the war, but war between the Transformers has not ended.地球上的战争虽然结束,但变形金刚之间的战争并未告终。

7.Right now, as you know, everything has to be pushed out via transformers.大家都知道,现在几乎所有场合都需要变压器。

8.Events included an excursion to see "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, " organized by Repubpcan Assemblyman Jeff Miller of Corona.活动包括游览,看看“变形金刚:复仇的下降,”有组织的共和党议员杰夫?米勒电晕。

9.THERE is a scene in "Transformers" , a blockbuster that came out last week, in which a mobile phone turns into a homicidal robot.上周上演的巨片(参1)“变形金刚”中有一个场景,其中一个手机变成了一个杀人机器人。

10.With piercing eyes and special pghting effects, Transformers has taken over the pyramid on the strip.变形金刚有着锐利的眼神,在特殊灯效的映衬下,取代了金字塔的主导地位。