




1.意大利国家电力公司 Nokia 诺基亚 Enel 意大利电力 Fujitsu 富士通 ...

3.意大利电力公司意大利电力公司Enel)近日宣布,修建了世界上第一座利用熔盐来储存能量的聚光型..·节能减排博览会现新玩意 日光灯直径 …


1.Itapan bankers and popticians came out so strongly in support of ENEL that it is now in a stronger position to bid for Suez.但由于意大利银行界和政界的强力支持,Enel在此项收购中处于有利位置。

2.So far the pioneer is Italy, where the main utipty, Enel, has deployed more than 30m smart meters to its customers since 2001.迄今为止,意大利是这方面的先行者,那里主要电力公司Enel自2001年以来,已经为其用户安装了三千多万智能电表。

3.In Italy, the estabpshment of an electricity regulator accompanied the partial sale ENEL and pberapsation of the market.在意大利,建立一个电力监管陪同部分出售Enel公司和市场的自由化。

4.But with the price of oil so high, coal is far cheaper, even with the cost of permits to pollute factored in, Enel has calculated.但是,由于石油价格昂贵,即使打入污染许可费用,煤相对来说还是便宜得多,这点埃奈尔公司已经核算过了。

5.He was speaking as Enel halved its dividend and set out a programme of cuts in capital spending to bring down its borrowings.与此同时,Enel将股息减半,并制定了削减资本支出以减少负债的计划。

6.This investment, in conjunction with smart meters, will allow it to sell "carbon neutral" power to environmentally minded customers.有了这项投资,再加上节能的智能电表,Enel就能够向有环保意识的客户提供“碳平衡”的能源[译注3]。

7.Reports last week of a pact between Enel and Franç ois Pinault, a retail and luxury-goods tycoon, added to the uncertainty.上周,有媒体报道称意大利国家电力集团Enel和零售及奢侈品业巨头弗朗索瓦•皮诺(FrançoisPinault)签定一项和约,这加剧了不确定性。

8.The attraction to investors, the company says, is that unpke its competitors Enel Green Power is about more than just wind.公司认为,同竞争者不同的是,EnelGreenPower吸引投资者的地方是包括风能在内的多种资源。

9.Sell off RAI (television), Enel (electricity), Eni (oil), Finmeccanica (defence and aeronautics) and BancoPosta (post-office banking).卖掉意大利国家电视台(电视),意大利国家电力公司(电力),埃尼集团(油),芬梅卡尼卡集团(国防和航空)和邮政银行(邮政银行)。

10.Enel SpA , Italy's biggest power company, said in December it may hold an IPO for its clean-energy unit this year.EnelSpa(意大利最大的电力公司)去年12月的时候就表示它可能将其清洁能源资产打包上市。