

energy cycle

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1.能源周期GREET 发展至今,其能源周期(energy-cycle)计算主轴由原先之燃料周期(fuel-cycle),再扩展增加一车辆周期(vehicle-cycle), …


1.Associations between the Global Energy Cycle and Regional Rainfall in South Africa and Southwest Austrapa.非洲南部和澳大利亚西南地区性全球能量循环与降水之间的关系。

2.Habit helps one adapt to his own energy cycle.习惯帮助人适应自己的能量周期。

3.The energy cycle at mid month brings humankind to a fork in the road of destiny.月中的能量循环将人类带到命运之路的岔口上。

4.To maximize productivity it's important to leverage the natural peaks of your energy cycle.为使效率最大化,调节自身的精力循环高峰期是很重要的。

5.You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your pfe fit it better. Habit can help, Dr.你不能改变你的能量循环,但是你可以学怎样让你的生活更加配合它。

6.It has been proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.已经证明人都有自己的每日精力周期。

7.You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make you pfe fit it better.你不能改变你的能量周期,但你可以学着让自己的生活更好地适应它。

8.Keep your energy cycle under control all day使你全天的能量都得到控制

9.The Comparison Between Two Versions of the GOALS Model on the Atmospheric Energy Cycle DiagnosisGOALS模式中大气能量循环的诊断分析与不同版本计算结果的比较研究

10.He refuses to follow his own energy cycle他不愿遵循自己的能量周期