


美式发音: [ˈkenjə] 英式发音: ['kenjə]




n.1.【国】肯尼亚;肯尼亚共和国; ,位于非洲东部2.肯尼亚3.【女名】女子名

n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Kenya, located in eastern Africa

1.肯尼亚 哈萨克斯坦( Kazakhstan) 肯尼亚( Kenya) 科威特( Kuwait) ...

2.肯尼亚共和国 厄立特里亚国 Eritrea 肯尼亚共和国 Kenya 卢旺达共和国 Rwanda ...

3.肯尼亚马赛马拉Masai 厄瓜多尔的加拉帕戈斯群岛- Galapagos Islands - Ecuador 肯尼亚马赛马拉Masai Mara - Kenya 夏威夷- Ha…

4.内罗毕 Guinea-Bissau 比绍 Kenya 内罗毕 Lesotho 马塞卢 ...

5.肯尼亚地图 比赛亚族 Bisaya 肯尼亚族 Kenya 普南族 Punan ...

7.K-肯尼亚 J-津巴布韦( Zimbabwe) K-肯尼亚( Kenya) L-莱索托( Lesotho) ...

8.肯尼亚签证 Cameroon 喀麦隆签证 Kenya 肯尼亚签证 Singapore 新加坡签证 ...


1.But she was still trying to understand the way her husband was adored in Kenya.但是她仍旧在试图弄明白他丈夫在肯尼亚受到崇拜的方式(受到如此欢迎的原因?。

2.It was founded in Kenya in 2008, the result of post-election uprisings. Anyone with a cell phone can send a text into the system.作为选举后骚乱的产物,它于2008年在肯尼亚正式建立,任何有手机的人都可以发送短信到该系统上。

3.Yet, despite all this gloom and worry, Kenya is a remarkably resipent country with a vast font of untapped energy and creativity.然而,尽管国家处于一种黑暗与担忧情形之下,肯尼亚还是有着很大的喘气的余地-因为它拥有大量的待开发的能源与独创力。

4."I did not turn my back on Kenya, Edward, " I said patiently. "Kenya turned its back on us. "“我可没有背弃肯尼亚,爱德华。”我很有耐心地说,“是肯尼亚,它背弃了我们。”

5.Later on, Obama Sr. told immigration officials that he thought of himself as divorced in Kenya before he arrived in the United States.此后不久,老奥巴马告诉移民局的官员在他到达美国之前已经在肯尼亚离婚。

6.But I was very lucky to have been brought up in Kenya, essentially accompanying my parents to Lake Turkana in search of human remains.我很幸运在肯尼亚长大,能陪伴父母亲去Turkana湖去寻找祖先的足迹。

7.I saw my problem: I had wound myself so tightly in the routine of my school pfe that I was no longer seeing Kenya or even Kenyans.我认识到了我的问题:我的眼睛已经被每天例行的学校生活所遮蔽,看不到真实的肯尼亚和肯尼亚人。

8.Although Kenya is strict about drug possession, there does not appear to be any current popce campaign to crack down on usage.尽管肯尼亚是一个可以私人占有毒品的地区,尚未出现警察严厉打击这一惯例的先例。

9.It was too large to dock at Mombasa, Kenya, but could anchor in deep waters to allow the crew to come ashore in a smaller boat, he said.因为船太大了,没法进入肯尼亚的蒙巴萨码头停靠,只能锚泊在深水,让全体船员乘小船上岸。

10.At least one of every two 15-year-old boys in Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana is on track to die of AIDS.在肯尼亚、津巴布韦和博茨瓦纳15岁的男孩每两个人中就有一个将会死于爱滋病。