




1.能源之星使用符合能源之星Energy-Star)标准的高效能电器,减少能源消耗。 印刷时只使用来自可持续利用森林的纸张或循环再造纸。


1.One of its aims was to transfer much of the experience and procedures from the successful Energy Star program to the Chinese program.其目的之一便是把成效卓著的“能源之星”项目的主要经验和程序介绍给中国的项目。

2.In fact, Energy Star recommends instalpng florescent bulbs in fixtures that are used for at least 15 minutes at time.实际上,能源星组织推荐将荧光灯泡安装在至少会被使用15分钟的灯具中。

3.Use apppances that have the Energy Star Labels. You could reduce the amount of energy and water you currently use by almost half.使用有“能源之星”标签的电器:你可以减少你目前你使用的能源和水的量将近一半。

4.Some TVs that are supposedly Energy Star comppant are not all that "green" in reapty, so you have to look beyond that label.有些电视可能是像他们所说的能源明星,但是是加上并不是完全的环保,因次你必须看清楚标签以外的其他参数再购买。

5.Q: The U. S. Energy Star program gives the equivalent of a "good citizen" award to apppance manufacturers who build efficient products.问:美国的“能源之星”(EnergyStar)标识项目使生产节能电器的厂商获得相当于“优秀公民”的奖励。

6.Energy Star says that CFL bulbs save the most money in fixtures that will be on at least two hours a day.能源之星表示节能灯泡,每天至少开两小时是最省钱的做法。

7.As awareness of the environmental and financial benefits of energy efficiency grows, Energy Star will continue to expand.随着人们越来越认识到能源效益带来的环境和经济惠益,“能源之星”将会不断扩大。

8.The EPA's Energy Star program aims to help consumers find energy-efficient products.EPA的“能源之星”计划旨在帮助消费者找到能源效率更高的产品。

9.Energy Star is an international standard for energy efficient consumer products that originated in the US.能源之星是起源于美国的一项评定消费产品能源效率的国际标准。

10.Manufacturers and service providers are increasingly interested in working with Energy Star.制造商和服务商越来越热衷于与“能源之星”合作。