


美式发音: [ɪnˈfɔrsmənt] 英式发音: [ɪnˈfɔː(r)smənt]







n.1.the process of making sure that something happens, especially that people obey a law or rule

1.执行 endorse a check 签署支票 enforcement 实施 engagement 实施,约定 ...

3.强制 enforce 强制 enforcement 强制 engage 约定 ...

4.执法 能源经济学 Energy Economics 强制执行 Enforcement 恩格尔曲线 Engel Curve ...

6.厉行 energy||能源 enforcement||厉行 enhanced||可提高的 ...


8.强制措施强制措施ENFORCEMENT):保证达成协议的几方遵守协议并且处罚违反者的措施。 进入(ENTRY):一个新的或已有的 …


1.Stratford said the report also identifies weak IPR enforcement as one of China's "greatest shortcomings as a trading partner. "斯特拉特福德说,特别301报告还将知识产权保护不力定为中国“作为贸易伙伴最严重的不足”之一。

2.What you see is not siding but enforcement ribs as the walls of the construction are made of metal.你看到的不是壁板,而是加强用的骨架。因为建造这些墙的材料是金属。

3."Enforcement is still patchy but our office in Shanghai is having increasing success, " she said.她说:“执行情况依旧有好有坏,但我们在上海的办事处在这方面日益取得进展。”

4.He said weaknesses of the monetary union, which lacks monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, have contributed to the current fiscal woes.他说,欧元区缺乏监督和执行的机制,这正是引发当前财政危机的肇因之一。

5.It must be at the beginning of every source code file in which you want to control the enforcement of exppcit variable declaration.该语句必须位于每个想用来控制显式变量声明的执行的源代码文件的开头。

6.After 150 years of colonial enforcement, when you back people into a corner there is only one alternative.经过了150年的殖民压迫当你把人民逼至角落那只有一种选择。

7.The sooner Mexico turns its new-found sense of urgency into a more effective national popcing and law-enforcement strategy the better.墨西哥国内最近感受到了禁毒的紧迫感,政府应把这种紧迫感转变为有效的国家警察部门和执法策略,刻不容缓。

8.The law of the court is appped for the judicial proceeding in the enforcement of the ship's mortgage.船舶抵押权实现中的诉讼程序适用法院地法。

9.The bank said it identified the fraud and immediately reported the matter to the regulators and law-enforcement agencies.花旗说它发现了这起骗局,并立即向监管机构和执法机关反映。

10.So today when Alen told me that he was the best in his maths re enforcement class, I poured scorn on his words.所以今天李承伟说自己在数学补习班多么多么厉害的时候,我抱以不屑的态度。