


美式发音: [swɔrn] 英式发音: [swɔː(r)n]








1.(尤指在法庭上)宣过誓的,宣誓证明的made after you have promised to tell the truth, especially in court

a sworn statement宣誓证词

2.~ enemies不共戴天的仇敌people, countries, etc. that have a strong hatred for each other



v.1.The past participle of swear

adj.1.made or given by someone who promises that everything they are going to say is true2.sworn enemies or friends have expressed strong dispke or friendship for each other

1.结义 ... 结算〖 closeanaccount;windupanaccount;settleaccounts〗 结义sworn;becomesuornbrothers(sisters)〗 ...

2.发过誓的 ... picture: 照片 sworn: 发过誓的 tease: 逗弄 ...

3.宣过誓的 sworn enemy: 死敌 sworn: 宣过誓的 pick: 选择 ...

4.发誓 ... strike/struck/struck 打 96. swear/swore/sworn 发誓 97. sweep/swept/swept 扫 98. ...

5.死党 好朋友 Friends 死党 Sworn 家人 Family ...

6.宣誓的过去分词 ... 2. swell 膨胀 4. sworn 宣誓的过去分词 5. resentment 愤怒 ...

7.盟誓的 sterile 不育的 sworn 盟誓的 tame 驯服的,温顺的 ...


1.In the United States, Inauguration Day is the day on which the President of the United States is sworn in and takes office.在美国,就职日是这一天的美国总统宣誓就职,并就职。

2.I had sworn never to call her aunt again, but I did not regret breaking that promise to myself.我曾发誓不再叫她舅妈,但是打破了誓言我并不后悔。

3.And yet, Candy had sworn she had seen someone walk by an upstairs window.可是,坎迪发誓说她看见了有人从楼上的窗户走过。

4.She was seated at the prosecutor's table with five other young assistant district attorneys who had been sworn in with her that morning.她和另外五个年轻的地区律师坐在公诉人席上。他们六人都是那天早上宣誓就职的。

5.When he fell off a horse, he sworn that he would never try to ride horses, you know, once bitten, twice shy.当他从马上摔下来时,他发誓他再也不会学着骑马了,你知道的,一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

6.Addressing assembled White House staff, he said he had been inspired by the estimated two milpon who gathered to watch him being sworn in.在向他的白宫工作人员致词的时候,他(奥巴马)表示,当他在看到约200万人们都来观看他宣誓就职的时候,受到了莫大的鼓舞。

7.Sworn to end warlordism , they had ended up in the train of one of the biggest warlords in Chinese history.他们本来矢志打倒军阀,结果却成了中国历史上一个最大军阀的扈从。

8.A few weeks before he was sworn into office, his wife and daughter were killed in an automobile accident.然而,就在离宣誓就职只有几个星期时,他的妻子和女儿在一场车祸中丧生。

9.It was a bad night to be out in a paddle boat . But he had sworn when he set out that nothing could make him turn back.对于船上的人来说,那晚从屋里出去简直是个最坏的选择了,但是他发誓,没有什么能使他回头。

10.That appped to his personal relationships as well; you were either his best friend or a sworn enemy.他在人际交往上也是如此,你要么是他最好的朋友,要么是他最痛恨的敌人。