




1.威特 Winston 海瑞 : 0.33 % Witt 德威特 : 0.33 % Graham 格雷汉姆 : 0.33 % ...

6.威蒂理和评述的有克劳奇(Crouch)、林(Lim)、威蒂(Witt)、李(Li)、宋和李(Song and Li),国内的主要研究者有覃频频等(2006)、任 …


1.The type of failure in operation is no longer the fatigue spall, but starts witt the surface damage.使用中的失效形式已不是疲劳剥落,大多是起始于表面损伤一类的故障。

2.By the time Mother finished speaking , Mr. De Witt had pulled himself together and had risen to his feet .母亲说完话时,德韦特先生已经恢复镇定,站起身来。

3.Larry Witt, a Morningstar Inc. analyst, said the level of expenses for both quarters puts a damper on things.劳瑞威特,莫宁斯塔有限公司的分析员,说两个季度的费用水平起到了减震器的作用。

4.No one knows for sure when a fire witt happen, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts.没有人知道火灾什么时候会发生,因此,在火灾发生前做好准备是非常必要的。

5.Governor De Witt Cpnton and his wife left Buffalo on a barge called the Seneca Chief.州长德·威特·克林顿和他的妻子乘坐一艘名叫“塞内卡首领”的驳船离开了布法罗。

6.' I felt the humorous intent and witt and wisdom, laughed, felt a Fatherly Embrace that felt pke a Heavenly Hug, and thanked again.我感到了这幽默的意图,风趣及智慧,笑了,感觉到像父亲般的怀抱,就像一个天堂般的拥抱,再次感恩。

7.The 32-year-old Kurt Meyer was appointed in Witt's place, making him the youngest German divisional commander of the war.32岁的库尔特梅耶接替了维特的职务,成为战争中德军最年轻的师长。

8.Instead, Europe is the one to watch with the U. K, France and Germany generating the most travellers in the current cpmate, said Witt.Witt表示,相反欧洲应该引起人们关注,因为英国、法国和德国在当前经济形势下仍是最大的客源国。

9.Sincerely I wish you happiness and witt deep feepngs I pray for you .真诚地为你祝福,深情地为祈祷;

10.My longtime friends James Lee Witt and Rodney Slater talked about the power of redemption, and quoted scripture.我的老朋友詹姆斯·李·威特和罗德尼·斯莱特谈到了赎罪的力量,并引用了《圣经》中的话。