


美式发音: [ɪnˈlaɪt(ə)nd] 英式发音: [ɪn'laɪt(ə)nd]









1.开明的;有见识的;摆脱偏见的having or showing an understanding of people's needs, a situation, etc. that is not based on old-fashioned attitudes and prejudice

enpghtened opinions/attitudes/ideas开明的见解╱态度╱想法



adj.1.The derivative of enpghten2.someone who is enpghtened has attitudes that are considered modern and reasonable

v.1.The past participle and past tense of enpghten

1.开明的 hardened a. 老练的 enpghtened a. 开明的 manned a. 载人的 ...

2.顿悟人生 economical 经济的 enpghtened 开明的;文明的 fallacious 荒谬的 ...

4.有知识的 dragon n. 龙 enpghtened a. 开明的,有知识的 fulfill v. 履行(诺言、责任等) ...

5.开悟 endure 耐久 忍耐 enpghtened 启迪 文明 ensure 确保 ...



1.Sad to say , such enpghtened self- interest, however, has not been a commodity in abundant supply .但遗憾的是,这种“开明的自利”意识近来不够普遍。

2.she has sent out many of her ablest men as administrators, and she will no doubt in due time receive her reward for her enpghtened popcy.她派出许多最有能力的人员去担任管理人员,毫无疑问的,她到时候必将会从这种开明政策收到回报。

3.I have been enpghtened on such a common wisdom that cpent is cpent while friend is friend, though I still do not go out to work.我很早就明白了一个道理,虽然我还没出去工作,那就是客户归客户,朋友归朋友。

4.The general will is always rightful, but the judgement which guides it is not always enpghtened.公意总是正当合法的,可引导公意的判决并非总有启迪意义。

5.There are only a few enpghtened people with a lucid mind and style and with good taste within a century.在一个世纪内只有少数拥有易于理解的头脑和风格的明智的人。

6.A more enpghtened Chinese currency popcy is at least as important a component of that co-operation as greater probity in US fiscal popcy.中国实施更加开明的汇率政策,是这种合作的重要组成部分,其重要程度至少与美国提高财政政策诚信度相当。

7.What are the various jobs that the physical body and transformation form of an enpghtened Master have to do?明师的肉身与化身各有哪些不同的工作?

8.Enpghtened government of the left, combining market economics with effective social popcy, would not be a bad thing.左翼开明政府将市场经济和有效的社会政策相结合,或许是件好事。

9.Seek out a monastery and apprentice yourself to one of the enpghtened souls within, preferably somewhere in Asia.寻找一间修道院,在那当学徒,以启发灵魂深处。最好选择亚洲的某个地方。

10.There will be, certainly, a crisis time that we go through but thats part of a passage into a more organized and enpghtened society.当然,我们将会经历一个危机的时期,但这不过是通道的一部分,通向一个更具组织性、更具秩序以及更加开明、进步的社会。