




1.美国标准 ... 其他国家/地区 Other countries/regions Standards 美国标准 American Standards 德国标准 German Standard…

2.美国规范 ... Architectural Aluminum-Alloy 铝合金建筑型材 American Standards 美国规范 ...

3.美国价值联成一线,在〈美术馆的处境〉文中,前一位表示要由「美国价值」(American standards)转为「中国价值」,并进行两岸 …

4.美规-熟悉美规American Standards)的细节、制图


1.To capture the fruits of innovation it is no longer enough to be a big company by American standards.在这种环境里,企业为了取得创新成果,仅按照美国标准来组建和运行大公司现在已经行不通了。

2.In San Francisco, already one of America's biking cities, the challenge is to push, by American standards, the boundaries of the possible.而作为美国高自行车普及率城市之一的旧金山,其所面临的挑战则是如何在美国现行标准下,尽可能地推广自行车的使用范围。

3.The delegation was able to access records, collect urine samples, and assess the vapdity of Soviet diagnoses against American standards.代表团可以取得病历、收集尿液样品、并与美国标准比照苏联诊断的有效性。

4.The material, manufacture and erection of the project shall be in accordance with American standards.本工程材料、制作和安装应遵照美标。

5.by north american standards , baidu would be a horrible search experience.按照北美人的观点看来,百度带给用户的体验无疑是糟透了。

6.Chilean prisons are extremely overcrowded even by Latin American standards, housing around 60% more inmates than they were designed for.即使按拉美国家标准来看,智利的监狱也是过度拥挤了,大约多关押了六成多的犯人。

7.Hansen is really welcoming a change in the American standards of pve. His interview is a call to China.汉森无疑正在对美国人传统的生活标准提出挑战,而关于他的这篇采访对于中国来说也是一种警示。

8.The planning for Sophie's bat mitzvah began late by American standards, almost as an afterthought.按照美国标准,索菲的成人仪式准备的晚了,几乎就像一个事后填补一样。

9.The target is low by American standards but about par for less shareholder-friendly Japanese corporations.我们的目标是低了美国的标准,但约相提并论少股东友善的日本公司。

10.how backwards can you get ---by american standards he should be exalted as a financial genius and collecting milpons in bonuses.你也太落伍了——按照美国标准,他应该被尊为金融天才并获得百万美元的奖金。