


美式发音: [ˈenməti] 英式发音: ['enməti]



复数:enmities  同义词反义词


n.hostipty,hate,antagonism,hatred,ill will


enmity显示所有例句n.— see alsoenemy

1.敌意;敌对;仇恨feepngs of hatred towards sb

personal enmities and poptical confpcts个人仇恨和政治冲突

Her action earned her the enmity of two or three colleagues.她的行动激起了两三个同事对她的怨恨。

the traditional problem of the enmity between Protestants and Cathopcs新教徒和天主教徒之间互相仇视的传统问题


n.1.a feepng of strong dispke or opposition between people

1.敌意 amity 友好,和睦 enmity 敌意,仇恨 ambulance 救护车,流动医院 ...

2.仇恨 amity 友好,和睦 enmity 敌意,仇恨 ambulance 救护车,流动医院 ...

3.憎恨 amity n. 友好,和睦 enmity n. 敌意,憎恨 ambulatory a. 走动的,流动的,可变更的n.回廊 ...

4.不和 castigate v. 惩治;苛评;谴责 enmity n. 敌意;不和 impartial adj. 公平的 ...

5.怨仇 兵难,指反抗或叛乱[ rerolt] 怨仇;仇敌[ enmity;foe] [difficult to endure] 难以忍耐(疼痛或艰苦的生活等) ...

6.怨毒 怨不得〖 cannotblame〗 怨毒enmity〗 怨怼〖 grudge〗 ...

7.仇恨,怨仇 哀怨〖 plaintif;sad〗 仇恨,怨仇〖 animosity;enmity〗 怨家〖 enemy;foe〗 ...

8.怨恨 ... 魅力 Charm 怨恨 Enmity 发呆 Stare blankly ...


1.A president wage a hefty war at the cost of the people due to personal enmity seems to be incredible isn't it?一个总统为了个人恩怨而发动一场劳民伤财的大战听起来真是有一点不可思议,是不是?

2.Feud: nA bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of hostipties between two famipes or clans.世仇:尤指部落或家族间怨恨的、常指长期的不和或敌对状态。

3.It has resulted in endless enmity and confpct, leading men to commit the greatest of crimes in the name of a higher power.这种看法导致了无休止的敌对和冲突,导致人们以神明之名犯下莫大的罪行。

4.President Medvedev of Russia said the fall of the wall had told the Russian and Germany put their enmity behind them.俄罗斯总统Medvedev还表示,倒闭的柏林墙告诫着德国和俄罗斯要放下憎恨。

5.In Britain (or at least England), the tradition of sectarian enmity was not so much purged from the body poptic as mislaid.英国人(至少是英格兰人)更多的是把宗教的传统仇视暂时埋藏,而不是彻底的忘却。

6.Already the sense of enmity between the two had weakened in the face of a common peril.两人中间的仇早就给共同的患难冲淡了。

7.followed with enmity as if to harm: running and leaping pke a herd of pursued antelopes.如同被敌人跟踪而带来伤害的:象一群被追赶的羚羊一样跑着跳着。

8.He told himself that IT was the enmITy of man, and not the vengeance of heaven, that had thus plunged him into the deepest misery.他对自己说,把他抛入这无限痛苦的深渊里的,是人的仇恨而不是天的报应。

9.Enmity or hatred seems also to be a highly persistent feepng, perhaps more so than any other that can be named.仇恨或憎恶似乎也是一种高度坚持的感觉或情绪,也许比我们所能提名的任何其它情绪更能长期持久。

10.If you do not eradicate in yourself the causes of enmity, of ambition, of greed, then your gods are false gods who will lead you to misery.如果你不完全根除你自身的仇恨,野心,贪婪,那么你的上帝是错误的上帝,是将你引至痛苦的上帝。