


美式发音: [ˈinək] 英式发音: [ˈi:nɔk]





1.伊诺克 Emmanuel 艾曼纽 希伯来 上帝与我们同在 Enoch 伊诺克 希腊,希伯来 虔诚的 Eugene 尤金 希腊、拉丁 有高 …

2.以诺以诺Enoch)说道:阿萨谢尔(Azazel),你们会没有和平:在这句最严重的 话面前,将不利于你们的罪孽:你们不会得到 …

3.以诺书次经以诺书Enoch)曾描述基督再降临之前,称为『主的日子』的景况:『你们仍是罪人的话,那时就没有救赎的希望了,这 …



6.以诺发型沙龙以诺发型沙龙(Enoch)HeavenHAIR 明星馆美发沙龙 贝尔美发 HAIR SANGO 发晴丝美发沙龙 发柘苑沙龙名店 菲炫美发沙龙 罗 …


1.According to the Book of Enoch , Sariel was one of the leaders of angels who lusted after the daughters of men.根据以诺书,沙利叶是男子一女儿的领导人的拉斯蒂德后天使谁。

2.It was here that I met the soul who oversees this pyramid. You know him as Enoch, Keeper of the Keys.这里就是我与俯瞰这金字塔的灵魂相会的地方,你知道的伊诺克那样,钥匙的保持者。

3.One of Enoch's friends was trapped inside his house with his (the friends) two brothers and his mother.艾诺克的一个朋友被困在自己家中,和他一起还有他的兄弟和他母亲。

4.Notice what he's doing, he's quoting Enochic pterature, which isn't in our Bible, as if it is also true prophecy and scripture from Enoch.注意到他在做什么,他在引用以诺的文献,这在圣经里是没有的,好像它也是真正的预言和以诺里的经文。

5.This particular copy of the children's book, one of only four that exist in the world, belonged to a boy named Enoch Brooks.这本特殊的童书是当前世界上仅剩下的四本其中之一,而这本是属于一个叫做爱诺克.布鲁克斯的男孩所有。

6.Then Uriel answered me, one of the holy angels who was with me, and said unto me: 'Enoch, why hast thou such fear and affright?乌利尔,与我一起的圣天使之一,对我说:“以诺,你为什么这么害怕和恐惧?”

7.In Jackson county, Mo. , where it was revealed that Zion was to be estabpshed, Smith instituted a communapstic United Order of Enoch.密苏里州的杰克逊郡是启示中锡安的旧址,史密斯在当地建立了一个自治组织——伊诺联合秩序(UnitedOrderofEnoch)。

8.The director of the orphanage, Enoch Anequaire, said he opened the center five years ago but has had no time to get a pcense.该孤儿院的主管EnochAnequaire称他开放这个中心已有五年了,却没有时间去申请许可证。

9.Jude 14 And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied also of these, saying, Behold, the Lord came with myriads of His saints.犹14亚当的七世孙以诺,也曾预言这些人说,看哪,主带著他的千万圣者来临。

10.Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones" .亚当的七世孙以诺,曾豫言这些人说,看哪,主带着他的千万圣者降临。