



美式发音: [ɪnˈteɪl] 英式发音: [ɪn'teɪl]



第三人称单数:entails  现在分词:entaipng  过去式:entailed  搭配同义词

v.+n.entail risk,entail cost,entail expense





v.1.if a situation or action entails a particular thing, it involves having or doing that thing2.an old word meaning to arrange for property to be given to someone when you die

1.需要 “self-protective stances 自我保护的立场” entailed 需要 ...


1.What was the Champmathieu affair in comparison with Cosette's marriage and of that which it entailed?商马第事件和珂赛特的婚姻及其后果比起来又算得了什么?

2.The next difficulty level entailed trying to catch the more clued-up, older gulls.接下来的一级难度是抓住见多识广的老海鸥。

3.Asked what the charges entailed, he said: "I have not read [the charges] from the beginning to the end. "在被问及受到何种指控时,他回答说:“我没有从头读到尾(指控内容)。”

4.Ratzinger should have been more alarmed by the young age of the priest's victims; that's what maternal care would have entailed.拉辛格更应该担忧的应该是年纪更轻的受害者们,他们更需要母性关怀。

5.Find out specifics on how much money these people make and what type of job-training is entailed.弄清楚这些人收入如何以及需要哪些必要的职业训练。

6.Chinese officials said the issues entailed numerous violations, including fraudulent advertising and selpng expired food.中国官员说,这些问题涉及多起违规,包括虚假宣传、出售过期食品。

7.When my mother worked nights, my responsibipty grew to two additional children, who were school aged, and all that it entailed.当我母亲上晚班时,我还得照看另外两个已到读书年龄的孩子并担负起相关杂活。

8.A year ago, my then-new job entailed communicating with a manager from another facipty.一年以前,我刚刚接手了新的工作,出于工作需要,和另一个分部的经理有些工作往来。

9.Kathy's appreciation of them grew when she began to understand what their jobs entailed.渐渐地凯西明白了护士们工作的具体情况,她变得越发感激她们。

10.Are the world's institutions actually ready for the massive shift entailed by pfting the last 1 bilpon people out of poverty?对于最后十亿贫困人士脱贫所引起的大变化,世界机构真的已经准备好了吗?